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Everything posted by Ookla

  1. If Minecraft counts, then yes. Otherwise no. TPBM has a computer new enough to run Minecraft (I don't).
  2. Just a question for y'all, to see who drives what around here! Do you drive stick/manual transmission? I do, and I love it! I'm excited to see what you all think! (@TwinSouls FYI I had to edit the poll, so your vote may have become inaccurate.)
  3. Honestly, that might actually be more doable than trying to adapt Stormlight. Plus, it means there wouldn't be repeat content--if non-Cosmere-aware viewers wanted to learn more about the world or get more stories in it, they would still have the whole Stormlight Archive left without feeling like they know the story already.
  4. Uh-huh. I am so excited!!!! Lift, at about my age and relative maturity? Yes, please!
  5. YKYASFW you wish you could use the colors in your clothes to do cool stuff.
  6. I think it's possible that you're not seeing a whole lot about it because there isn't a ton of information out about it. I knew Dragonsteel Park was going to exist, somewhere near Evermore, but beyond that I hadn't heard anything--much less about Evermore closing (and I live super close to it!).
  7. Cold rain. It's wetter, and I can wear a cloak to protect me from the cold part. (Though my feet may not survive one day, considering I like to go out in rainstorms best when I leave my shoes behind.) Have you ever gone somewhere barefoot before?
  8. No. But I have a cowboy-style hat and at least 10 different beanies! TPBM thinks beanies are the best hat.
  9. Is this for me or Weaver? If it's me, then I think that's absolutely hilarious, if somewhat (er... extremely) inaccurate. I am not blonde, but I am fairly tall, and I do like jeans and T-shirts and would totally wear ones with funny quotes and jokes on them if I had them. And while I don't love gardening, I was in the garden helping to plant potatoes a few days ago. So... fairly accurate.
  10. I know it's boring, but I imagine you as your profile picture--though maybe nicer dressed and without the axe. Probably not accurate, but honest, right? I've been done before, but I'd be curious to see how someone else thinks of me--no peeking into the past!
  11. I'll just add my support for this idea. It doesn't really bother me (I'm pretty chill about stuff like this most of the time), but I will admit that it would make things more convenient if it wasn't so easy to scroll over the Shardcast tab by accident. I think moving it would be a great idea!
  12. I read that poem in my humanities class. It was pretty good. Also, you've got lots of information and aren't scared to propose a potentially divisive opinion (I do not agree with you that the Wheel of Time is better than the Cosmere; I've read all the books in the Cosmere but only made it 3 books into WoT). 10/10.
  13. Granted. You have to eat a triple portion at lunch and a pentuple portion at dinner to make up for the lack and prepare for the next day. I wish for a book in Irish Gaelic.
  14. ... Maybe? The only ice cream I eat is home-made, and half the time it's frozen yogurt, so I think so. Frozen yogurt tends to be icier, while ice cream is creamier. They're both pretty good, though! TPBM has been to/lived in Ireland.
  15. Meh. I don't really care about sports of any kind, unless dance counts as a sport. In that case, I care a little bit about one sport, and it's not soccer. TPBM has a pet tarantula.
  16. Eh. TV Tropes rabbit holes are far more common for me. TPBM has a jar of loose change.
  17. I am the weird younger sibling! (Number 4 out of 4, baby! Whoo!) TPBM knows the difference between a geek and a nerd. (If so, please explain, because I do not know this information.)
  18. Granted. All the pizza is moldy. I wish that food didn't mold.
  19. A few hours ago. What is your favorite vehicle?
  20. I've never played with Eevee. (Also, is this the Pokemon TCG we're talking about? Because that's all the Pokemon experience I have...) If I had to pick a favorite Pokemon from the ones I've played with, I'd probably say Lugia EX. TPBM has also played the Pokemon TCG.
  21. Probably Lift. I think it'd be super fun to hang out with her. What is your favorite non-Sanderson book?
  22. Yep! Calculus was awesome--after I got a 5 on the AP test. I've never had an Oreo, so I have no idea. TPBM has ridden a horse before.
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