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Everything posted by Ookla

  1. No. But I do collect books! TPBM is a banana.
  2. Nope. Still no self-control. Granted. Unfortunately, Odium kills hime before he gets a chance to make things right. I wish it was ten degrees warmer.
  3. Granted. Every spoiler you put another spoiler into has to have words in it as well. I wish to have the self-control not to start opening spoiler boxes which I know have more spoiler boxes inside them.
  4. Hey, Stoneward fits half my personality! (Just started retaking the various tests today.) To copy-paste from another thread:
  5. Depends on the quiz. If it's the one from this thread, I'm a Stoneward. If it's the official one, I bounce between Willshaper and Truthwatcher (today's test came out Willshaper), with a healthy dose of Edgedancer on the side (and Stoneward was at the bottom of the list, so... huh). Edit: Going through the order descriptions, Stoneward and Willshaper both fit different aspects of my personality. Also, Truthwatcher and Edgedancer both still fit me, but more as secondary Orders rather than primary ones. I'm going to have to think about this...
  6. I like Lift. She sounds like a fun person to hang around, and I'm always excited when Brandon gives us another chapter involving her!
  7. Skyeel. I've always wanted to ride a dragon, and in some ways I feel like skyeels are the closest things Roshar's got. Also, much as I love Chiri Chiri, I don't have the patience to train her not to eat my Stormlight reserves.
  8. I asked for the first 4 Stormlight Archive books for my birthday, and then agreed to save up and pay half the cost of them. Never before or since have I helped pay for a birthday gift. Of course, as I start needing to do more adulting, that might become a more common occurrence.
  9. Granted. The meeting keeps getting interrupted by ill-timed text messages and phone calls from beginning to end. I wish for the sky to turn green.
  10. Ahhh. I haven't seen the AtLA movie, and have no desire to based on what I've heard about it. The premise sounds entertaining, and I would probably enjoy playing around with a similar type of story, but if it hasn't been done well I'd rather not watch what somebody else did with the idea. I have never been ice fishing, but it does sound delightful--so long as there's someone with me and we actually catch something. What is the one healthy food you'd be most likely to snack on?
  11. Lines of Making. So long as nothing tries to kill me, I'll have a grand time drawing little chalk stick-men and making them play out my stories on the pavement. WYR be a doomslug or an axehound? (Caveat; I don't think I've read more than 50 pages of Skyward... Science fiction has never really been my thing, honestly, and I didn't manage to get into it. Though, knowing Sanderson, it probably has a ton of secret fantasy elements hanging around in it.)
  12. Only if it's blue, full of maggots, absurdly stinky, or produced by Hallmark. Otherwise, cheese is great! TPBM thinks sword classification is a fascinating topic.
  13. Why not? The new live-action series on Netflix is rather disappointing, but the original is fantastic (if you don't mind the fact that it's an adult show disguised as a kids' show)! I will concede that the blue-people Avatar is really good, though. Never seen Dune, so I can't speak for that. Hmm... There always seem to be some really hilarious ones if you watch movie credits long enough, but none are springing to mind at the moment. However, I do believe that it would hilarious to meet someone named - Nate (Hyphenate). If people can get away with LaDasha via L-a, then - Nate as a first/middle name combo is perfectly reasonable. Do you like sushi? If so, what is your favorite kind; if not, what would you do if someone took you to a sushi restaurant and expected you to eat with them?
  14. Granted. You can no longer put a spoiler box inside a spoiler box. I wish for a pomegranate.
  15. You've only been here a month?! I feel like I've seen you everywhere; could've sworn you've been around longer than that!
  16. Notum? Have we ever seen him flying? But it can't be Syl, because as far as I'm aware, it's Kaladin who's depressed and not Syl.
  17. Granted. Within 30 minutes, the food leaves your stomach and returns to the picture, leaving you hungrier than you were before. I wish for a friendly tiger cub to keep as a pet.
  18. In that case, I don't see a problem with them having a healthy relationship. They've got enough going against them as it is; I figure they'll need all the support from one another that they can get. Whatever you think is best for your story, though!! I won't be mad if you disregard my opinion.
  19. Nope! I usually end up with the opposite situation--in my style of writing, I'm trying to model healthy relationships because I think too many people never get to see what one looks like. Unfortunately, I am occasionally the person who hasn't seen enough examples of what a healthy relationship looks like... I'm not good at adding relationship drama, either--and when I do, the characters resolve it unreasonably quickly! Yup. I feel this.
  20. Granted. Your schedule now unavoidably keeps you up until at least 3 am. I wish to be done with school.
  21. Wonder how something that is generally intangible has now become tangible. WWYDIYF a tiny lion in your pocket?
  22. I don't know who it is, but it looks good! 10/10. Edit: I just realized that you said who it is in your post, and now I feel silly...
  23. I wish! That would be a dream come true! TPBM owns at least one farm animal.
  24. Granted. It's extremely good quality, and would be the best sketchbook in the world, except that every time you try to draw in it you burn a hole through the page. I wish for chocolate.
  25. Stick my hand in and pray it doesn't get bitten off by a rabid snail-turtle. WWYDIYF a walnut tree in your pocket?
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