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Everything posted by WhispersOfWit

  1. *the whisper sooths away all of your emotions with a duralumin enhanced soothing* *mortified by your new emptiness you drop the sandwich* *the whisper picks it up*
  2. My vote goes to Raoden. He’s nice, caring, and just an overall cool dude. Plus he’s like immortal so that’s definitely a bonus, he’s popular, and he has a lot of money. He really does care for everyone he meets, and tries to help people in every way he could, I feel like he’d be a super cool guy to bunk with.
  3. *the whisper smiles** he takes a bite of a decoy sandwich*
  4. *the whisper, mildly annoyed by this, begins running at full speed towards the sandwich, preparing to tackle it’s holder. At the last second he decides to backflip over the human, and snatch the sandwich. The whisper then puts the man in a speed bubble. Time will now pass extremely fast for you until the bubble is released*
  5. *the whisper wakes up realizing, yet again, he has lost the sandwich* *the whisper summons his shardblade again as a giant sandwich magnet flying thingy to steal the sandwich*
  6. *the whisper rolls his eyes and summons his shardblade as a long grabby thing to snatch the sandwich*
  7. that was hypothetical whipped cream but ok *the whisper smiles at the human’s misinterpretation of his words. The whisper began to play some dramatic music on his flute* *he then threw a cheap boring flute at the sandwich sending it flying*
  8. *the whisper walks up and takes the sandwich as smoothly as a perfect dollop of whipped cream on top of some chocolate ice cream*
  9. Ok so this is my first post so please excuse anything I do wrong. I also don’t know how much spoilers need to be marked so I’m just going to tag the entire thing. So this thread is basically you guys’s opinions on this battle. (Who would win and why)
  10. *the whisper smiles at the mortals false sense of triumph, the confidence that plagued all men* *the whisper burned atium* *anticipating his every move the whisper moved with casual speed and lithe and grabbed the sandwich then strolled away*
  11. *the whisper then lashes himself up into the sky after the sandwich* *seeing the sandwich is no longer there he returns to the ground to watch once more*
  12. *the whisper smiles, amused by the gathering of fools fighting over a sandwich* *upon seeing the sandwich, however, he decided to give it a shot* *Burning pewter the whisper moves at incredible speed toward the sandwich* *as soon as he reaches it he lashes the sandwich upward into the sky using multiple lashings*
  13. I also play baritone, euphonium, piano, flute, trumpet, and percussion instruments of varying kinds
  14. *the whisper sighs like the settling of an unfortunate corpse being put into a closet*
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