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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. I come tearing in flying a improved copy of M-Bot while listening to Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd at max volume (you can hear it outside), before light-lancing the sandwich and flying off. Then I hover, grab the sandwich, snap my fingers to repair the giant hole in it, and fly off again.
  2. If I could use it on my computer, it’d look like this but a good thousand times worse
  3. Gets a piece of paper that reads *Confusion?* Inserts my headache
  4. 😮


    I just realized I’m not following you!

    allow me to remedy that

  5. Thanks! Indeed, strange semi-cannibalistic chickens live inside chasmfiends’ gemhearts together eating turkey because, yesserie, die.
  6. Holy guacamole, I come in here to ask you if you’re having a good day, and I see a very philosophical discussion! Anyways, two questions! 1. What is your favorite video game? 2. How are you today?
  7. Connor stops his endless cycle of flexing, scratching his neck, and falling half asleep, then begins jogging toward where his group was last heading, eventually finding them and sitting down next to the fire. “Can I see that knife that was in the box? I’m going to stand… uh, sit guard for a while, and I'd rather not be unarmed.” @Spark of Hope
  8. Connor nods, then suddenly freezes, falls into a trance-like state (It’s just Link’s BotW/TotK idle animation lol), and says “Keep going, I’ll catch up”
  9. “What kind of knife?” Then he stops her (or tries to) with a hand on her shoulder “Listen… I’ve got the beginnings of a plan to get at least one of us out of here, it wouldn’t take much work to make it two.” Then he winks and begins to run again “Think on that.” Then, shaking his head he mutters “Damnation, I really hope that wasn’t seen as flirtatious”
  10. He swears again “Anything else?” Then stumbles “Your… family?”
  11. Connor refocuses on the world around him, and, hearing the rain, swears, running to catch up with the others. “Did I see some sort of hovercraft a second ago?” He shakes his head slightly “I wasn’t focused at all, but I thought I glimpsed one”
  12. “Deal.” Connor said, before wading back to the box and looking for a way to open it
  13. Connor begins to hum the version of Only You that appears in Far Cry 5
  14. I pickpocket the barber and stick the money inside your hat, then summon another bed and teleport you into it. Then I engage in an extremely intense game of Rock Paper Scissors with Nerdy for the sandwich
  15. I pick up your hat, dust it off, and hand it to you, before casting an even stronger sleep spell, then threaten “Stay asleep before I get mean!”
  16. “Depends. If you take something that my friends or I desperately need, then we play a game of chance over it. You win, I let you have it, but if I win, I take it and you get something else, fair enough?” Connor eyes her, “Look, I don’t want to hurt you so soon into the games, but if you hurt one of us…” he shrugs, then says “I will.” His mind races and he thinks, Don’t see through the illusion of confidence, please…
  17. “Excellent point! As a matter of fact, I am!” Connor pauses “Okay, that probably doesn’t inspire confidence that I’ll not attack you, but whatever!” He gestures at the box “I’m assuming you want what’s inside the box?” @Spark of Hope
  18. I run up next to you, say “I think you need some sleep,” then tap you on the forehead and watch as you fall unconscious. I then summon an extremely comfortable bed underneath you, then take the sandwich and go to my local barber shop and trade it for a hair trim
  19. “Put the knife down and we can talk.” Connor stands and gestures at his soaked clothes “As you can probably see, I’m uhh… completely unarmed??”
  20. Ignoring his mental voice’s comment about deific avocado-based foods, Connor shouts “Why. The. Hell. Are. You. Attacking. Me!?” as he tries to get out from under Marewill “Can’t we at least negotiate??”
  21. I simply cackle at your apparent inability to bold things
  22. *cackles* *hides in the ceiling* *whispers “I win” and grins*
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