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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. This cult is at war against the Ginger cult, because they threatened the stick. So they’re trying to sacrifice our people. I think I got the important bits, would you agree? @Through The Living Glass
  2. By the way, he’s not a ginger, he’s got black hair.
  3. I activate the tractor beam on my star destroyer and pull you in, then lock you in a jail cell, then take the sandwich. I then let you have a ship and send you off.
  4. Happy day of birth, stranger!

    1. Mr. Misting

      Mr. Misting

      Thank you much!

    2. WhyEverNot_8


      You’re welcome!

      Also I really like your cover photo!
      It’s a great game.

  5. That’s awesome! I’m a… THE SAME! AWESOMEEEE!
  6. (I’m joining the bandwagon)
  7. Maybe! I’ll probably join after school lets out. (for me it’s on the 24th)
  8. AND A MAN POPS OUT OF IT! (kidding lol I couldn’t resist) aight I’m out!
  9. S





    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WhyEverNot_8


      It’s a running joke where @professionalacoustic insists that he’s not short, despite being a solid 3 inches shorter than me on a good day

    3. Wierdo
    4. professionalacoustic


      Another part of the joke is that @WhyEverNot_8’s nickname is “Shorty”

  10. It wasn’t the main question though, just a exclamation, is that a still disallowed?
  11. Welcome to the shard! If you could bring any 2 Sanderson characters back to life in a room for an hour, who would you bring back? Also please put it in a spoiler so it doesn’t spoil anything for anyone, thanks! (Like the one below )
  12. That makes sense! After all, how would a sparrow comprehend the world?
  13. Yooo, thank you guys so much for my first day win the other day! :D

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