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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. 253. Find olives on pizza merely ok 254. Love cheeseburger pizza
  2. Welcome to the shard!

  3. *offended voice* ”I did it like twice!” ”fair though”
  4. Why is that cat carrying your mom? Oxygennnnnnnnn… (just imagine the text gets smaller, fading like the yell of someone falling, because I don’t know how to do that )
  5. Never need to sleep. (Without neural decay or any of that [go see if u can find the destiny lore for Clovis Bray]) WYR be a Forger or a genuine painter?
  6. Great question, I’m wondering the same thing. I’m not a GM, but I feel like it’d be smart to say that they were provided some by the capitol, because then they couldn’t have a metalmind filled with 18 years of strength or something. If they were provided some by the capitol about 5 days before, then they could fill it a bit, but not so much that it’s overpowered. This is just my suggestion.
  7. I’m really glad this one didn’t die immediately. Games Wrench and Sound Effect Wrench and Sound Effect, but now there’s interdimensional travel Distant Line: No Daybreak Distant Line: No Daybreak - Cold Place Distant Line: You can’t go West Distant Line: You can’t go West - The Beach is on Fire Distant Line: Yelling Hill I can’t think of any more
    (maybe I’m early, but WHO CARES! HAPPY DAY OF BIRTH!)

  9. I’ll try to send the recordings from my orchestra concert the other night sometime soon. Anyways, I’m gonna got for the night, see y’all later!

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oo I’m excited to see! You crush them violas!! Goodnight!

  10. YES VERY TRUE ALSO WHY ARE WE SHOUTING? @Anguished_One you make a lot of people happy. ADMIT IT, PLEASEEEE, I BEGGGGGG
  11. YES I LOVE THESE! Uhh Here’s some from me: Space Ninjas with crazy magic somehow die to water *sigh of eternal suffering* Space Celebration An alien gambles for people to help him/her fight gods Boy’s sister gets kidnapped because of her ears, he finds a talking boat, and they sail around a bunch (love the music in this game) Nuclear Bombs go off but humanity is fine… for now. Guy dies of tuberculosis (spoiler your answer for this one)
  12. @Anguished_One you just need a “Mother counter” in your signature. just like how @Through The Living Glass has the pineapple question counter
  13. I got the same thing lmao Congratulations(?)
  14. I, being knocked out with an elephant tranquilizer, which is made for a being over 100 times my weight, am sleeping soundly.
  15. New game idea! Take a TV Show, Movie, Book, or Video Game, and change the name to be similar but wildly different at the same time. OH! And don’t tell people the original, the goal is for it to be different but still recognizable. I’ll start: “Gabriella’s House of Dolls”
  16. Colgera Battle from TotK (Kevin Grim’s version)
  17. Ok, understandable Answer: Sprite. Question: what is your favorite brand of jeans?
  18. To any mothers or grandmothers on the shard, we wish you the best and happiest of Mothers’ Days! Hope it’s a great one!
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