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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. All of us socially awkward sharders should just go meet up and hang out. I feel like since we’ve already established some sort of friendship through here, it won’t be too hard to talk to each other in person.
  2. That’s pretty cool! (skip me once again)
  3. Dude, that’s awesome! Yeah, lemme know when you post that!
  4. “Where is the bys?” For kidges 7 and up!” -Off-shard friend
  5. These all sound amazing!! I like the Smeagol voice lol. You should do the Mario theme as the “bah, bah”s
  6. Lol I don’t look like a giant 8, last time I checked, but that is really funny to me for some reason. also, I’m pretty sure theres is a photo of my forehead floating around here somewhere… hmmm
  7. “I’m the best hostage negotiator!” “I’ve never lost a Hostage!” -My chemistry teacher
  8. Eddie… that’s not necessary. I’m pretty sure you already have friends, and you’re talking to them *static* 40 minutes ago? Or just now? Not sure. But you’ve definitely got friends.
  9. Yep! But also because I have good friends in the violas and I don’t feel like going to war with them.
  10. *evil villain laugh* ”We have four orchestras!” ”But I’m not going to war with the violas because our orchestra president is a viola and he's awesome.”
  11. Agreed! I love that song! Also in what? DnD, Video Games, Etc.? What’s your favorite and least-favorite video games? (I won’t judge, I promise)
  12. Yep! Creative Writing! TPBM is in the middle of reading The Sunlit Man
  13. YEAAAAA SOMEONE GETS IT!!! :DDDDDD and yes it does! Round? What merry month did I leave from me home, leaving the girls of Tuam nearly broken-hearted, Saluted me father dear and kissed me darling mother. Also I drank a pint of beer to smother me grief and tears.
  14. Gets “manly” yells Inserts a test tube full of liquid mercury
  15. Uhhh… maybe? TPBM is having really bad allergies right now
  16. Indeed! My friend who claims to be a genius at Star Wars doesn’t even know that! He mostly knows stuff from after the destruction of the second Death Star (skip me too)
  17. Ok, I lied, now I’m getting off for the night!

    Fare thee well, All!

  18. Yea, unless it’s juice-wise. TPBM knows what you do with a drunken sailor
  19. YKYAN when you make geometry puns with your dad and family friend because they’re funny. Also: YKYAN when you’re @Edema Rue (kidding, Eddie)
  20. I’m gonna go for the night, see y’all later!


  21. 169. (Because it was skipped) Start singing sea shanties as loud as humanly possible in public. Bonus points if you get a gang of friends to sing them with you. Also you need to replace ever third word with something unrelated. ”What do keyboards do with cat’s drunken sailor, alphabet in the evening!” You could also sing every third word as the exact opposite as what’s in the original song
  22. “hopefully you didn’t!” *luck to @Lunamor win*
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