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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. Oh god… 161. Wear full plate armor with giant spikes on it 162. Make those spikes dripping red paint/ketchup/actual blood
  2. “Success! No one can turn off my power armor now!” *pumps fist* *Cuts Glass’s internet back on*
  3. *turns off your internet* *cackles* *turns power armor back on*
  4. Isn’t it really bad to lie or something? Heyyyyyyyy a fellow Violin 2!
  5. I snatch the sandwich from Fool (may I call you that?) and pointedly not Gizmo, then go sit in the Quaver Music Shop.
  6. No, that’s just the three people in my orchestra who never play when they don’t have to/are specifically told to, and who spend all class watching TV on their phones and obstructing my music because I have to share a stand with them. It could be seen as an insult, but for them it’s just fact.
  7. Wait really??? I quite like your signature, is it a quote from something? 10/10
  8. Wait you do???? I don’t! (Kidding) 142. Spin in circles for 4 hours in the middle of the hallway at a crowded event
  9. *Pats Wierdo on the shoulder* “Here’s our family Ginger. He’s friendly and he denounced the cult because like he said, the ‘leader’ doesn’t like fry sauce”
  10. *turns on my X-02 power armor* ”Don’t turn this off.”
  11. Do you use discord at all?
  12. What about the third line, I still can’t read that one. Thanks for telling me the secret though! 115. Be the obnoxious youngest/middle sibling (not me, though I have to deal with it `,I space)
  13. I missed this, Saiyans are a race in Dragon Ball and almost all of their names are some variation on a type of vegetable. 5 minutes? No. 5 hours? Yep! Nope! Beef and Pork are my favorites, and chicken is bearable most times. TPBM wears some sort of adornment on their wrist (other than a watch or Fitbit or stuff like that)
  14. Help me read it ,_, 113. Brag about your grades as loudly and obnoxiously as possible
  15. I’ve been studying for the AP World History test for a while now, and I await May 15th with Trepidation. I’m definitely gonna join Heimler’s Youtube Live Review Sessions if I can. Glad yours went well @strmblsd!
  16. Ooooooooooh yes! Sentient Seaweed Also is there a map?
  17. 62. When you walk, move your hands in sync with your legs. (Right leg forward, right arm forward, etc.)
  18. He absolutely counts Also Luckyyyyyyyy TPBM wishes they got snow
  19. I’ve got ideas for a swamp, which I’ve put in the doc, but I don’t know what kinds of plants that would grow in it, besides the Mangroves.
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