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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. 50. Stubbing your pinkie, second to last, or any toe except the big one.
  2. I helped increase the Pineapple Question Counter, I want some puns, There’s me! 10/10
  3. Yep! It’s quite fun! TPBM has read a Non-Sanderson book in the past day.
  4. Poky spring, I can just roll over so I’m not on top of it. WYR live in a Flying City or an Underground one?
  5. I overthrow the banana king, then throw a fake sandwich at you, before using the force to sneakily move the sandwich to myself. I then hide under the throne by teleporting myself into a hole in the rock there. Of course, nobody knows where I am, but they could find me if they looked enough. (I’m like 45 feet down.
  6. 60. Start yelling at anyone for getting within 15 feet of you.
  7. 57. Actually play the games in those mobile game ads seriosly, not just trying to act dumb. (I sometimes download one for like five minutes just to speedrun it as best I can)
  8. That’s 53, sorry Also I agree, Fortnite players are not my cup of tea. Skip Me
  9. Most people don’t like screaming, so they avoid people who are screaming. 52. Every time someone says a person’s name (change it each day so they don’t know who it is. For bonus points make it a very important person in your or their life), scream loudly and jump on their back.
  10. I like that one lol 49. Every time someone says a preposition, charge at them screaming.
  11. They uhh… Need to Stop It Now! Ok, on to the question: Cheese! Especially if it’s cheddar! What is the best gas to insert into your skin in order to fly.
  12. 42. Carry small cardboard boxes with you everywhere that are labeled with various body parts. (Box 1: Finger, Middle, Right. Box 2: Finger, Index, Left.
  13. ._. my teacher made a story starter and here’s how it goes: Story Starter… A hostage situation at a bank was not how I wanted to spend my morning…
  14. Awesome, thank you! I won’t be online as much on weekends, but I’ll do my best!
  15. Oooh, I wanna join Name: Connor Edwards Age: Something around 18-20 he doesn’t really know anymore, but he thinks he’s 24 Pronouns: Prefers He/Him but wont get offended if called something else on accident Which planet does their investiture come from? Scadrial What is their power/what are they? Coinshot/Spinner (Steel/Chromium) twinborn How well can they use their magic? Extremely well What are you going to do to keep your character from being overpowered? He takes unnecessary risks and is too kind. (I don’t know what else, can someone give me ideas?) Character’s motivation for being in the games: He’s gambling his life for those of his friends Important pieces of their backstory: Chronic gambler, has no family except his friends, and doesn’t care if he dies, so long as they stay happy. Also he really likes western fiction and related things (revolvers, shotguns, dusters, train robberies, etc.). Probably too much. His real name isn’t even Connor Edwards, he adopted it after reading about a “famous” bounty hunter from ages ago. (I’m basing him off my DND character for my friend’s western campaign, except for a change in magic)
  16. Are you on the 17th Shard Discord?
  17. I don’t think they’ll care. It’s a cult because (in my experience) it’s funny, and also because we needed an equal title with the Ginger Cult so we can (unfortunately) go to war with them.
  18. *star wars theme begins to play* ”Use the force, Thaid.”
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