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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. That would be… actually I don’t know if I’d be happy or sad. Mostly sad because I didn’t meet all of you guys then.
  2. And to think that my (7 yrs old at the time) brother once ate five reasonable large tacos in one sitting…
  3. How the heck do I make @Anguished_One believe that she makes people happy???
  4. I shout “HEY, FREE SOUR PATCH IN THE BACK!” throw ‘em in and get out of there!” - My chemistry teacher explaining the basics of electronegativity ”She didn’t want that one anyway!” - A friend ”Alright, that’s enough felonies for today.” - Chemistry Teacher ”And Who did we say is the worst mother on the periodic table?” *nodding “Francium! The kid never had a chance.” - Chemistry teacher still talking about Electronegativity ”Apparently Mr. [teacher] is starting DND soon.” - Me ”Did you say Mr. [teacher] is pregnant???” - different friend ”That’s it, I’m snapping your spine like a glow stick!” - Bryson ”I’m 2% Irish, so I can say the N-Word!” - White guy ”That is not how that works! Not at all!” - Me
  5. Nope! I’m at least 3 inches taller than my dad, and taller still than my mom.
  6. That’d be pretty awesome! Also, potential spoilers for Scar’s Latest video (I think, it might be second latest?):
  7. We All Lift Together (From Warframe) - Keith Power
  8. I block your lightsaber strikes with two of my lightsabers, before swinging at you in quick, flowing patterns with my (newly discovered) other 2 arms (which are also holding lightsabers) I snag some popcorn with the force and pop it into my mouth.
  9. Not today, but yesterday… and the day before… and the day before that… Ok, trust me it’s not as bad as it might seem, I just can’t find a matching pair of socks in time to make the bus. TPBM is wearing a red shirt today
  10. Wait what? I swear it’s not for diabolical reasons. I’m just curious I promise you! I was just thinking that it’d be funny if we were planning on going to the same college without knowing.
  11. Bottom of the Ocean, time to recreate Subnautica! WYR be able to teleport anywhere in a 5 mile radius with no cooldown, or anywhere on earth with a 24 hour cooldown?
  12. I was looking at the “You Know You’re a Sanderfan When…” thread and saw your mention of the Shallan Tax Evasion Magnet. I have 2 questions:

    1. What does it look like?

    2. Where can I get one?

    3. (Bonus question!) How is your day today?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhyEverNot_8


      Ohhh ok! Still awesome!

      That’s cool! What did you think?

      My day has been good, but I spent 5 hours taking the AP World History Test, so that’s… fun.

    3. AonEne


      Oh nooo lol, sending you hugs! 

      It was alright! It wasn't standout, a large part of why I like the books is Katniss's character voice and movies of course don't have prose, but it was still the story and still good. Undecided about whether I'll watch the rest or not. 

    4. WhyEverNot_8


      Thanks! :)

      Yea, it’s a good movie, but not my favorite.


      *struggles to get the image to work*

      (it’s fine though, I’ll figure it out. It’ll probably on my laptop)


  13. I don’t know how to respond to that so I go to said city and just sit in a chair, then wave to you as you go past. WAIT NO SCRATCH THAT IVE GOT AN IDEA! I lie in wait for you, then as you enter the city, I spin and ignite 4 lightsabers then say “General Kenobi… wait no… General Strmblsd” then duel you for the sandwich.
  14. I drop in in front of you, Obi-Wan style, say “Hello there.” and steal the sandwich before tearing away in a Podracer. Oh, I also cut the sun back on before this, then froze Jerome in Carbonite. Happy Star Wars Day, and May the Fourth Be With You All!
  15. Having just eaten some fantastic tacos made by my dad, I take extreme offense from this statement, To assume that all taco meat is just meat with chili powder is to assume that all books are just paper with words, to assume that humans are just sacks of meat with bones, to assume that… yea I’ve run out of things.
  16. Samex3 But I understand the general concept of what you’re saying, and I think that’d be funny. I have WHAP and I’m not ready also I got a 44.5 on a chemistry quiz, more on that later. I will say that as far as I know, only 2 people passed in my class.
  17. *picks up the cookie and moves it to a different shelf* *cackles* *grabs orange juice* *walks away*
  18. JM! Do you play DND? Also do you agree with me that the modern slang is just dumb?
  19. I lunge after you and swipe the sandwich out of your hand and flip myself into a tree, then hide myself with leaves so no one can see me.
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