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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. My “Money” is on #2 Because #1 seems too specific
  2. Yo! Welcome. Here’s a safe cookie without spikes. If you could bring any 2 Brandon Sanderson characters back to life in a room together for an hour, who would you choose? (Put it in a spoiler box because they’re dead and we don’t want to spoil it for others [it’s the eye at the top of the text box]) Also @Treamayne made this awesome guide in the first spoiler of this post in another introductory thread, here’s a link:
  3. @Anguished_One Wym by “like what?” also I will say that Raw fish by itself isn't that good, but turn it into sushi and it’s fantastic
  4. I stand up and say “But the man said ‘Nay’ and the monkey stopped moving, the sun came back on, and the man stole the sandwich” I then step down from the podium (how did that get there) And say “I am that man”
  5. What the heck is a quadrent All I can find are knives and stuff named “Quadrant”s Explain
  6. 2. Studying (should this go in Forum Games? This feels like something people will take as a game)
  7. Hello and welcome to the shard! If you could bring any 2 Brandon Sanderson characters (not WoT) back to life in the same room for n hour, who would you being back? (Put it in a spoiler because… well, because they’re dead and people might not know that they’re dead) Here’s a second cookie.
  8. Oh god o_O uncomfortable memories begin flowing again with that name :I Brayden Funny quotes though, I love how the teacher joined in lol.
  9. No I meant you gave me less than a minute
  10. Dude, I really like your new pfp.

    N is pretty awesome

  11. Also, Wierdo, I’m sorry that you got stabbed so many times lol, just realized that. *throws magic cards at @Block and @The cheeseman* ”Blood for the blood god”
  12. Nope, very true most times. What is your favorite piece you’ve played so far?
  13. Yes, and not too sweet, with some fragments of boiled egg, no onions. Then it’s perfect
  14. Without breaking one How many fish have you caught in your life?
  15. Oh shoot, I’ll have to check that out, thanks! I have a lanyard and shirt of the series from a collaboration they did with a sushi place near me, so that’s pretty awesome!
  16. Sting If you could have one fictional item for everyday use, what would you choose?
  17. *dons extremely high quality white wig with a few strands of red hair* *dons magician outfit* *lightweaves an illusion of another person’s face onto my own* *shuffles cards and begins doing card tricks*
  18. *shuffles deck* *Draws 3 cards* *throws 1 and the cheeseman and 1 at block* *the cards hit extremely hard and knock the pair out cold* *shows @Through The Living Glass the last card* ”Is this your card?”
  19. Just finished Spy X Family book 4 really sad my school’s library didn’t have book 5
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