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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. Not really unless I say something and several other people are looking at me as well. (of course I can’t tell when people are looking at me and I can’t see them [no life-sense])
  2. “Yo” *pulls a deck of cards out of his bag of holding* ”pick a card any card… Except that one!” *pulls school ID card out of the fan of cards*
  3. I’ll give you 200 pounds of modified Sour patch kids (Modified to be extra sour) I have 3 pints of Ben and Jerry’s Half-Baked Ice cream (I wish )
  4. Wait…. “Looking Through the Glass” hmmmmm… seems inspired by our good friend @Through The Living Glass. They’re beautiful poems @Anguished_One! *brotherly hugs*
  5. *supposed to be tuning my instrument* win
  6. What color are your bones?

    1. Through The Living Glass
    2. WhyEverNot_8


      Awesome, mine are green! (I think, I’ve never seen them)

      And here’s that link I promised


    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass


      I remember now 😂

  7. Synesthesia sounds very interesting. Also what if I don’t know the difference? Who is your middle-favorite Cosmere character (not most favorite and not least favorite, right in the middle) Synesthesia sounds very interesting. Also what if I don’t know the difference? Who is your middle-favorite Cosmere character? (not most favorite and not least favorite, right in the middle)
  8. Lol this has dissolved into some weird sort of family rp. *munches popcorn noisily in the corner, watching all this happen*
  9. Nice! For the addict thing, do you remember the story I posted about that person who asked me out and who did all sorts of illegal stuff? She’s friendly, we don’t talk much during class because whenever we’re done with notes or something, she goes and sits on the floor at the front of the room. When we’re playing cards she mostly tells me to not show my cards to everyone (because accidentally I keep holding them where everyone can see them)
  10. *sighs shakily* “Oh boy…” Soon, sometime soon, I will ask the person I like, and pray to RNGesus to not give me the bad luck of liking an addict (without knowing they’re an addict) again… Okay but being serious, I’ve known her since third grade (we weren’t the best of friends, more… acquaintances) but I started liking her a little while ago (‘bout a year, year and a half) but only just now decided to maybe ask her out. I asked a mutual friend and she said “Just wait and get to know her better” so now I invite her almost every time we play card games in Chemistry. To sum it up, I shouldn’t really be here yet/anymore.
  11. *I reach over and give you a fist bump instead!* “You get a fist bump too!” *le fist bump* *Hugs @Anguished_One more*
  12. Unless PS4 is somehow Current-Gen, then no TPBM has a NVIDIA Graphics card in their PC
  13. thanks @Through The Living Glass - Joybringing Mother of Stick
  14. No, unless I walk 20 feet to a different hallway (w/o windows) To save you the time TPBM can see one or more tree from where they are.
  15. It’s Just-A-Stick, she just changed her name I don’t do Duolingo, though my Kindergarten teacher recommended it so I can continue my Latin. (I see her sometimes at gatherings at the church that she teaches at) AAA question: What are your top 3 Favorite and Least Favorite Songs?
  16. Who? (I think that answers that) Also my computer is covered in them, I’ll see if I can send a photo when school’s out TPBM enjoys card games with friends
  17. Nope! I will wear a watch sometimes but rarely. (Note that I don’t count my school ID to be Jewelry) TPBM has some sort of sticker in the back of their phone. Also, page 300
  18. 0/0 (Nonexistent lol) Also how do y’all have so many lines???
  19. The Chicken Dance, convinced that
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