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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. @Anguished_One - The Happiness Catalyst (you make people happy, fight me [not literally])
  2. What is your favorite dog/cat breed?
  3. What exactly is “The Game?” I can’t figure it out and I can’t look at Wikipedia (thanks school district ._.)
  4. Ohhhhh okay. I clearly need to re-read Secret History and the HoA pre-chapter paragraphs.
  5. His “Writing Songs that Already Exist” videos are hilarious Okay, I’m out!
  6. @Just_a_Fan So, bedrock flying machines are bad, like, really bad. You have to have one sticky piston and one regular piston, and you need to make a platform for you to stand on so you don’t fall. You place the regular piston in the direction you want to go, and the sticky piston facing the way you want to be behind you. (This is because the normal piston pushes the sticky piston half, which pulls the normal piston half to itself.)
  7. Draws my potato cannons, sitting in the middle of the camp and returns fire on the potato-people with fake potatoes. I also pull out a giant water gun and shoot the snapdragon with it.
  8. Supposed to be doing classwork win! (Sorry for the one min)
  9. 2. Seems unlikely since (as far as I know) I haven’t seen what preservation looks like other than just mist (I’m not countin Vin or Harmony, so that might be where I’m wrong)
  10. Warts, they’ll eventually go away, right? WYR have a flying car or a street-legal airplane? (As in a plane you can just drive around)
  11. Welcome! If you could bring any two Brandon Sanderson characters back to life in a room for an hour, who would you being back and why? (Open the spoiler box before replying Would you like another cookie?
  12. How did you get the quarter out of the Aldi cart without another one? A. CARDBOARD. BOX!
  13. I just don’t care about presidents, I will say that the reason I did this was so you could send them to one of the Cosmere planets. Skip me
  14. Neither, both have their flaws. Who are you most likely to send to Roshar?
  15. Dude I went and reported a bot and in the report message, I put “Thanks for removing the bots, and have a great day” and opened up the alert about the emails being down and thought that Chaos had messaged me about putting more than was necessary in the report messages. I wouldn’t ordinarily be worried but I saw the bold letters so I was terrified. (Partially, it was mostly just that “oh crap, is he angry with me” fear.) Shoot, sorry @strmblsd, you can have more than just 5 seconds if you want
  16. Ok, not a part of this RP but was bored so I’m reading it. @Lotus Blossom, holy cow your last post was pretty awesome! Alright, Imma go now, have fun
  17. Hey, question. I found a bot that allegedly has 0 posts (according to it’s profile) but it has at least 6 in the Forum Games tab. Also should I report all of the posts by a different bot or just one? (I figure reporting 51 messages won’t do much good other than to annoy the mods, but if it actually helps rather than hurts, let me know)
  18. That’s really funny. (Glad I got the “Born over Texas Soil” bit)
  19. Okay… time to logic. If number one is not the lie, I’m gonna say that number 2 is. My reason? The phrasing. Born OVER Texas soil, not ON it. Disregard what was in the spoiler, I did some reading and found that I was wrong. Your place of birth when you are on an airplane is apparently “In the Air” for city and… OHHHH Okay, right, you were on a plane TO California, because the State Department apparently puts your place of birth as the next place the plane lands. Meaning that number 2 is the lie. Apologies for the long message
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