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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. Skyeel. Because flight is awesome. WYR be a misting that burns away the metals of others or boosts them (I forget the metals that they use )
  2. OOOOH AND ADD CREAM CHEESE! Cream Cheese Brownies are delicious!
  3. Keep him away from any doors or windows! And don’t expect an oven to keep him trapped!
  4. Much thanks! I did in fact forget, and this is very helpful!
  5. I stole Ginger Ale! We feast, brothers! On the (not) blood of our enemies! Also let’s postpone the war even more! All in favor say AYE!
  6. Huuuuuhhhhh??? Meeeeeee? Never! Also wanna be shardbuds?
  7. *draws a revolver as fast as humanly possible and shoots the cookie out of the air* *shoots intruder alarm* *reloads* *shoots cameras* *grunts and strides out*
  8. AYYYY!





    1. Just-A-Stick


      Oh cool!

      I used to be at like 3?


      nice to be there again ig

  9. “Pig robbery!” - Friend 1 ”Gimme your pigs!” - Friend 2 ”You can have my wife!” - Friend 3 ”Hold on just a second…” - Me (We were playing the card game Cover your Assets and friend 2 stole friend 3’s piggy banks)
  10. Not sure what I am, let’s seeeeeee… Oh, great, Oldblood *having forgot what that means, I go make a mental note to go look it up later* *realizes I’ll probably forget it later* *decides “ah well” then goes back to studying*
  11. TOP HAT Does @Anguished_One (formerly Just-A-Stick) make you happy? (As a bonus, this question can be answered by the next 5 people who want to as a secondary question)
  12. *peeks my head in* *tiptoes to the stash of ginger ale* *swipes a few cans* *replaces them with empty ones* *tiptoes out giggling softly to myself*
  13. Lol I forgot that I gave you just one single minute that one time.
  14. *Takes happy face and stretches my lips down to a frown, scrunching my eyes mock-angrily* Stick… That’s a lot more than a 15/33, I’d give it a 30/33 (for sadness and a few other things)
  15. “nO No being depressed hum happy songs, here lets sing… I’m Still Standing by Elton John!”
  16. *Kicks the door down and runs away* ”YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!’
  17. Worst song to listen to during a hurricane? Yodeling in the rocky mountains!
  18. Thank you! Have a Periodic Table Take a school ceiling tile with the letter “I”, the atomic number to Iodine, and a picture of a bottle of Iodine on it
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