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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. Pacific Rim is awesome! (I watched the second movie before the first lol) Princess Bride is amazing, I need to go watch it again sometime. I take a bite of a sandwich, not THE sandwich, but A sandwich. I conceal THE sandwich in my jacket pocket where nobody can find it
  2. You killed him… you killed the god of darkness… by throwing an apple at him…?! Astro Party!
  3. once the next person said orange I was gonna say “orange you glad I never said banana?” Let’s try that again: ORANGE… WHOOOOO???
  4. Here, take a glass-blowing kit! I have a bucket of 13 different card games
  5. You realize that you just set of 1,298lbs of liquid explosive that turns into silly string when combusted. Give me that, I need it!
  6. *steps in with powdered ginger on my hair* “I’ll take some!” *studies the cookies for spikes*
  7. Might I recommend Pacific Rim? Oooooh what about The Princess Bride?
  8. I point at you and you turn around, handing the sandwich to me, before I “crush” it in my fist (I send it to another dimension) before following it and sealing the portal behind me.
  9. Welcome to the shard @THILL447! I personally just read them in whatever order I can get my hands on ‘em (but still keeping to the dedicated orders of series) My introductory question to you: If you could bring any 2 of Brandon Sanderson’s characters back to life in a room for an hour who would you revive? (Hit the spoiler button to avoid spoilers for people who haven’t read as much [the eye button at the top of the text box]) Also @Treamayne, thank you for the reading order, this will be very useful (it wasn’t intended for me but it very much helps, so thank you! )
  10. I mean it Dude tbh I’m really happy with that analogy
  11. *appears* *is not ginger* *scrolls up a bit* *sees where Block mentioned Chaos* ”uh oh…” *leaves*
  12. Funny… I was at my grandma’s house yesterday as well. However! I am glad she helped you feel better. Lemme know if you need anything. *side hug*
  13. For the longest storming time I couldn’t figure out what tea meant in the context and then a friend explained it during a conversation a few weeks ago. Anyways who wants some from the guy with a 1 in charisma but somehow picked up a cursed jacket that gave him a +17? spoilered for length:
  14. I’ve never had pumpernickel, what is it? Great choice!
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