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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. Welcome! If you could bring any 2 Brandon Sanderson characters (excluding WoT) back to life in a room for an hour, who would you bring back?
  2. Happy Birthday Argent!

    Hope your day has been great!

    1. Argent


      Thanks, it was! I spent it at JordanCon, with a bunch of other nerds, and that's always a good time.

    2. WhyEverNot_8


      That’s awesome! I really wanna go to that someday.

      Glad you had a good day! :D

  3. I saw that it was Argent’s (the admin) birthday today and wanted to wish him happy birthday, but I’m not sure if it’s allowed or not. I looked for rules telling people not to, but I don’t want to get in trouble for disturbing an Administrator. Can someone tell me if it’s allowed or not. Update: Thaidakar told me it is, thanks man!
  4. Holy- Eddie that’s beautiful (also are you okay if I call you that?)
  5. Not every single one, but the positive ones. Obviously not the sad ones (I’m not sadistic) but the ones where you show off art and poems and talk about the more pleasant times in life. Also you’re pretty funny and I just genuinely enjoy talking to you.
  6. Literally whenever you post a new status update. I love reading them and admiring your art and poems. Also the various humorous conversations we’ve had.
  7. I shrug, mutter my name (excluding the special characters of course) then swipe the sandwich from you before floating upwards to hover in midair at about 150 ft above sea level.
  8. Keras Selyrian. His magic (which stems from his sword) literally annihilates anything it hits. When he hits something it’s simply… gone, no dust, no blood, nothing. I don’t think he’s a god? (It hasn’t been revealed yet) Explanation of the series he’s from, plus suggested reading/listening order
  9. War has been declared, averted (partially), declared again, them postponed.
  10. AHA! But you see I had stormlight to breathe for me, so I lightweave an illusion of mold on the sandwich, and make a fake sandwich and convince you that I have the real one and to trade, before I weave shadows around myself and leave.
  11. *focuses for a second summoning the cursed Stick of Madness, then pulls out a copy of The Dresden Files Book 2: Fool Moon and leans against a wall to read*
  12. GUYS, GUYS, CHILL!! I DON’T DISCRIMINATE AGAINST RACE, RELIGION, AND ESPECIALLY NOT HAIR COLOR. NOW CAN WE PLEASE STOP ARGUING ABOUT WAR??? This is to make Stick happy not threaten her with war and sacrifice! (98% of this message is a joke. If you wish to know which parts are not a joke, please PM me. [spoiler alert the true parts are when I said I don’t discriminate in any way and when I said that is is meant to make Stick happy]) Those are pretty fun! (Also, Hi TwinSouls! how are you today?)
  13. So my response is to crack my knuckles and get to work PMing people to come to this thread send @Just-A-Stick digital hugs. It’s gonna happen, and I intend to make it happen. *rolls up coat sleeves and dons Aviator Glasses*
  14. *snaps fingers* the real sandwich is in my hands now. I run away to the cognitive realm and sit under the sea of beads.
  15. Bad Latin? I dunno if it’s a Kirby reference because my friend made Shade Termina for a DnD campaign so it wasn't even my Latin. Oreos are great. Ebola? Not as much. 7/10 because disease
  16. I think I’m still a scout. Not even a boy scout! WAIT, NO! I MUST KILL THOSE METALBORN! RAAAAHHH (kidding
  17. I added y’all on the original list but I forgot to add you to the note where I copied and pasted it (I’m using a buggy browser that doesn’t let me copy and paste.)
  18. I move to the past and teleport the sandwich out of the box, then run move to a cave on Pluto, so that whenever Lord Spirit goes to the future, there’s no sandwich in the box. Wahahahahaaaa
  19. That’s great lol, She’s pretty funny. (Sorry strmblsd)
  20. Same lol, I haven’t done mine. (I need help so I’m probably going to stay after school today)
  21. I feel this is necessary. Why? To make sure our great friend @Just-A-Stick still feels good about herself. Here’s some people who I know she makes happy, but that’s only a few people, add your names below if she’s ever made you happy @WhyEverNot_8, @Through The Living Glass, @Part Of The Narrative, @RoyalBeeMage, @Edema Rue, @Shardwatcher01, @Wierdo, @Lunamor, @The cheeseman, @SmilingPanda19, @Weaver of Lights, @Block, @shortcake
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