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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. Good point! (should I make a group where people put their names if Stick make’s them happy)
  2. ._. I’m just trying to make Stick happy and you all are starting wars??? I see…
  3. “Nah, nah it’s good, I’m fine, trust me!” - Me after stabbing myself in the hand with a knife (spoilered because of a potentially uncomfortable topic [blood]) Weirdly enough the stab didn’t hurt until much later.
  4. Yo, should I make a thread that is just “People to make Just-A-Stick Happy” so everyone can add their name to it?
  5. @Just-A-Stick Here’s yer list: Me Glass Veil/Part Of The Narrative Thaidakar RBM/Royal Bee Mage Ms. Eddie (yes that’s how I remember her) Shardwatcher Wierdo Smilingpanda Lunamor The Cheeseman Weaver of Lights Block The people you RP with The People who read your masterful poems and admire your magnificent art. Many others who talk to you all the time and (like me and I suspect the other people here,) are excited when they see you online. Thaidakar, you're great, man, thanks! Also get me, I’ll gladly help Stick feel better
  6. Exploding Chicken Nuggets!? Also Thaidakar could you do me a favor and make a post in the hair-color cult please? I need to send Stick her list of people she makes happy (she insists she doesn’t make people happy but I call false) and I don’t want to double post. Thanks, man.
  7. Will do NOOO MY LIST GOT ERASED CRAP dude I lefr for like 5 minutes I need someone to reply so I’m not double posting ._. sorry
  8. lies. You make people happy, trust us. (I say us because I’m sure many people agree) You’re welcome!
  9. That makes 1 1/2 of us. Me over the past three days. Of course it was fairly easy because I don’t see the people but also because they’re still my friends (even if both of them are kinda not intelligent, not being rude or anything but dang… mistakes have been made) Also I say 1 1/2 because I wasn’t fully serious I just wanted to slap them both really hard, sit them down and explain where they went wrong, then walk away. (I may or may not have shot a target arrow clean through a cardboard box 8 inches thick with several super dense sheets of styrofoam because I was upset at them)
  10. To experience the awesome things in life, like Eclipses, the Cliffs of Moher (Cliffs of Insanity for those Princess Bride fans out there), or Giant’s Causeway, or awesome Man-Made things like The Golden Gate Bridge or The Space Needle, The Empire State Building or One World Trade center (which is [i think] exactly 1,776 feet tall and has a full 360° view observation deck). And to make people happy. Also yea I’ve been waiting for a good time to ask about pineapples as well lol FROG! I like your signature.
  11. Yes. Money abuse is bad, wait, no… literally any abuse is horrible.
  12. I agree with Weaver, you are probably gonna wanna live. Brown Hair Moment: Bad quality because aaaaaaaaaaaa (old phone)
  13. Same, except for a few, who, when I see them just give me a sense of confusion and a dash of loss. BUT this thread is about happy things, soooooo: Doggos especially doggos that look how my doggo did. They make me happy
  14. Dang… this is…wow. Just wow. This has given me a lot to think about. Thank you for sharing this. Also new (and really good) quotes.
  15. Happy super late birthday @The cheeseman! Sad to see you go from this group. See you around!
  16. Useful skills, those. Imagine asking Caesar’s remains how he was actually killed or getting a super detailed description of how their plumbing worked. 9/10
  17. I pull down the freshly manifested scarf over my mouth and, using my newly (and strangely) acquired cursed speech (Jujutsu Kaisen reference for those who don’t get it), say “No” and stop you from destroying the game. I then spinning kick the sandwich from your grasp, grab it, and run far away, dismissing the cursed speech ability and manifesting strand grapples from d2 to fling myself away. (Also I keep the scarf)
  18. Decard eyes the man in the suit, then walks over to John and, pointing at the choutas, asks “Could I have one of those please? Thank you” and hands over several spheres of dubiously high value (2 emerald broams, 4 amethyst broams, and 18 diamond chips) “I’m paying with these spheres because I have no other story ready to tell right now, and I apologize if I underpaid, I don’t understand the currency at all.”
  19. Lol, sure up to you! (one of my nicknames is actually Shorty, but that was given to me by a friend who is still like 5 inches taller than me [theres a reason his nickname is “The Tree”])
  20. Can someone please explain how the heck this works? *gleefully raises mug* And I’m taking this for the explanation (sorry im late lol)
  21. Nah, on a hunch I literally just put a description of my friend (she doesn't have purple hair [that’s pretty awesome] but she fits the other descriptions pretty well) I’m actually quite tall, and if you go north to Southeastern North America, that’s where I’m from. Born in Mississippi, raised in Texas. To Wierdo, I forgot about you having red hair lol, also I figured you might’ve been a bit taller than 5’7”, but I figured it’d be funny if I said 5’7” (which is very much shorter than me) as a joke. (Also why is it that I keep thinking that everyone on here has glasses…?)
  22. I put on Red Dead Redemption music, strap on my revolvers and walk into the kitchen, demanding the sandwich. The rat runs away, and The Clarinetist drops the sandwich, I grab it and go sit on one of the support beams of a train bridge
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