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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. At the gate getting ready to go to New York with my Orchestra!




    1. TwinSouls



      Or good luck?

      Is it a field trip or concert?

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      My performing arts just got back from NYC, enjoy!!!!

    3. WhyEverNot_8



      It’s just a field trip, and we’ve landed safely.

      I will do my best to enjoy it, in the meantime here’s some photos:




  2. Apple (I’m finally in my phone for the weekend!) What do you think of airplanes (like riding them)
  3. OK I’ve figured it out, it’s not Stormlight (which was kinda obvious now that I think about it) but instead it’s Secret Project 5 Sparrow or Dove, also Quail Small birds, and ones that look like they’re a loafing cat when they sit in your hands.
  4. It’s not here (I don’t think). Buuuuuuuuut… here’s some Bacon and Cheddar scones that I made! (They come with mustard)
  5. Yes, very much TPBM isn’t an old person but still enjoys Bingo
  6. *two people are kissing while cooking soup in the movie we’re watching* “Right here is crazy… over the soup?!” - some dude in my class
  7. Here’s my new game idea: One person asks a question, but they put in a spoiler and say “Don’t open if you’re playing this round” or something along those lines, then players have 20 chances total per round to guess their question by giving hypothetical answers and reverse-engineering the question. From those answers they then move into the second round of the question, where they use the correct answer to figure out the question. Here’s an example, because I probably didn’t explain it well: Spoilered for Length I’ll start: If you wanna play, don’t open the following spoiler
  8. Can’t remember, but I know I always used to get a kick out of the “Have you heard the rumor about butter? I can’t tell ya because you might spread it!” joke when I was younger. (Even before I knew what a rumor actually is!) To the first part: I’ve had surgery, also I think She’s asking when the Stormlight 5 chapter readings are (I could totally be wrong, so unless Glass herself replies, don’t put too much stock in my assumption) What is your: favorite music genre, artist in that genre, favorite album by that artist, favorite song in that album?
  9. Yea I figured, but I meant can’t remember if the DM did, sorry for any confustion
  10. I just listen to upbeat songs when I need motivation and upliftingness(?) upliftingication(???), anyways, here’s some I’ve found: 82nd all the way - Sabaton Resist and Bite - Sabaton (also has some good Latin parts) Ghost Division - Sabaton Finale (Netsky remix) - Madeon (ft. Nicholas Petricca) Pay no Mind [Yasutaka Nakata ‘CAPSULE’ Remix] - Madeon (ft. Passion Pit Wait… there’s 2 songs named “Finale”… Glass’s and mine… funny. Gunslinger - Michael Salvatori Guns Blazin’ - Michael Salvatori Eyes up - Michael Salvatori Various songs by Billy Joel
  11. I throw one of my experimental grapple knife at you, dealing no damage but gaining good purchase. I throw the other into a nearby tree and lock the spools of rope so you can’t get away. I then reel you in and steal it back before grabbing it, wrapping it in deli paper, then selling it to a nearby citizen and telling them to keep it hidden. I then take a perfect decoy copy and hide it (badly) Who else here doesn’t like Pliny the Younger?
  12. Are we talking lyrics, or just a bubble of sound? either way, I would hope it’s a song I like and listen to/read it Pet it, then give it food and keep it as a pet WWYDIYF a printed frame-by frame flipbook of every Octonauts episode
  13. Mwahaha I’m taller than you I’m taller than my dad and he’s 5’11 (I don’t know my exact height but I know I’m taller than him)
  14. Plant it in your backyard WWYDIYF a handwritten note in women’s script addressed to you and sent by Navani (no it’s obviously not a love letter [no offense])
  15. What if you bring Chilly chili made with Chilean chilis that you got from Chilis and gave to a chilly friend?
  16. What’s your height? (asking because of your title of “Annoyer of the short” and I want to see if you’re shorter than me)
  17. Using my custom keybind, I hit Ctrl+Caps+Y redo this action ^
  18. Why not? It’s perfectly harmless! *winks, then hands a chocolate chip cookie as well* (it also has a metallic spot) don’t worry, I just burnt them (and indeed they are quite burnt)
  19. Wonder what the heck that means, then get a burner computer and plug it in. WWYDIYF an exquisitely crafted wooden desk in your pocket
  20. Twice I think? What is your main response to when someone draws on your hand or arm without you asking?
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