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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. You hear a distant shout of “You’re obviously datingggggggg!!!!” Before Connor enters the Casino. He waves happily to Corin “Hi! I believe that I’m here to cash in a kill for some steel flakes and a chromium metalmind” he steps up to the desk. “Then after another 2 kills I can get my gun and clothes, right?” @Edema Rue
  2. 😮




  3. Connor waves “Yo” He raises an eyebrow and says “You sure? When I robbed Spore boy,” he cackles “you two looked thick as thieves, but now you deny it?” He winks at Sharp and Dougella “Suspicious…” “True, true…” Connor holds up a finger and says “Just a sec, I’ll be right back.” And jogs towards the casino, trying each door if the first doesn’t work. @Edema Rue
  4. @Cash67 I’m getting emotions too @Edema Rue This is amazing! You’re a great writer
  5. Connor, remembering his earler deal with Corin, turned back towards the casino. He pulls the coin out of his waistband (it’s in his side, under his shorts, so no need to worry about germs) and begins to roll it over his fingers. As he nears the casino, he spots Sharp and Marewill and the others and jogs over to join them. “Hey guys, what’s up? Also, where’s…” he trails off as he sees Sharp’s face “Ah.” He rests his hand on Sharp’s shoulder and nods once. “What’s the plan? I need to make a stop by the casino for some equipment, but after that I’m going to rejoin you guys.”
  6. @J. Magi @Spark of Hope @Scars of Hathsin

    Hope it’s been a good one!

    1. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      Thank you! It has been.

  8. Gonnor grins and searches for a large rock. If he finds one, he starts hitting it really hard with the dagger, hoping to get some flakes of steel. If he doesn’t, he just keeps moving away from the casino, searching for more boxes, more tributes, or his old group.
  9. Connor grabs the other dagger and inspects it to see if it’s steel, then grabs his jumpsuit and sets off away from the casino. @Edema Rue
  10. Connor glances at the Redspine, then back to Tondon. “Do you want me to make this quick for you?” He looks once more at the Redspine. “I’d leave and do what he says. You don’t want to ignore a friend’s dying wish. Trust me, I learned that the hard way.”
  11. My back itches but I have sunburn



    *Internal screaming*

    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Step one:


      Step two:

      See step one


      Dang though, bro. I'm sorry, that sucks.


    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I have nice little square shaped sunburns on my feet now.

  12. Connor attempts to break one off by pulling or hitting it really hard
  13. Yo! I’m Why, your friendly neighborhood always-active [currently barely active] Texan If you could bring 2 Sandersonian characters (not WoT) back to life in the same room for an hour, who’d you choose? Put it in a spoiler (the eyeball) to avoid… well… spoilers.
  14. Oh hey, great, I'm going on vacation for another week! (Starting saturday) @Edema Rue You alright if I text you my actions?
  15. Connor awakens, and begins searching for a long, sturdy branch.
  16. Awesome, thank you! And you’re welcome!
  17. @Edema Rue I’m going on vacation for a week and won’t be able to be on the shard. Would you be okay if I ask someone to relay my actions for me? Like I send them a text and they send it here?
  18. Connor grins and tells her his name, then turns to assess the situation. “Ah, so we’re hunting a deer…?” he glances at the others and asks “Do either of y’all have any steel? Even a little bit would help.”
  19. Connor jogs over to Sharp, then stops and nods at Dougella. “Yo, what’s happened since I left?” He begins to roll the coin across his knuckles, over and over. “Also I need two kills.” @J. Magi @Scars of Hathsin
  20. Connor catches it ans grins at him “Thank you, good sir.” Then he nods and strides out the door without a backward glance.
  21. “Surprising her [her being Veil] with iced coffee is my favorite sport” - @Anguished_One “Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a half-Shin half Azish ex-ardent Edgedancer turned to Odium but then redeemed and reformed as a Stoneward who lives in Shadesmar to build...“ - Argent
  22. Connor nodded firmly and grins. “One final request. Do you have a coin? I just need one, and I’m hoping it’s free”
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