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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. Good point! (It does make a lot more sense) It’s hilarious to me that everyone has all sorts of different theories about what he’s talking about and he’s just not saying anything
  2. Now, Ralof, what's going on? You two look pretty well done in.
  3. I grab my SRO (Sandwich Recovery Organization) Standard-Issue Sandwich-Recovery Flamethrower and burn away the web. I grab the sandwich and fly into a building that, inside, has… (drumroll please) a building, and inside that is… another building. This repeats until the building is barely large enough to fit the sandwich. I walk out and hit the secret button that shuffles all the doors inside the building, then run into a cave and hold a duplicate sandwich as if it’s the real thing.
  4. Entirely with flying rocks, emus, (implied “and”)
  5. Why do they keep waving their hands at you like they’re summoning a demon? And why do they look constipated? She stood up, saw me, and chose violence, like every other day.
  6. Look at you, almost a grown man! Won't be long before you'll be joining the fight yourself.
  7. Exponents are easy though If you have a calculator I don’t want to write a poem about: But I’ll do it anyways
  8. Dunno, maybe 4 years? I think that’s typical right? But, wait, that’d only make him 5 or 6 years old… I have no idea lol
  9. Happy belated Birthday!

  10. We had a Fallout-based campaign and found a Sentry bot that we overrode, named “Puppy” and adopted. On the last session the DM killed puppy and everybody in the party was crying. (We play various songs during our sessions, and he was playing “Il Mare Eterno Nella Mia Anima” from JoJo when Puppy died so that contributed to it.) We now know that whenever that song comes on, someone’s about to die.
  11. Guys, I’ve figured it out, Thaidakar is probably counting college. Or he is really 0.15 years old
  12. Dangit, I was just about to quote that, but you got there first! (makes sense since I just saw it)
  13. Geez I forgot to post the thing here, so here goes: Decard emerges from the restroom several days later, he looks exhausted and he has several fresh cuts on his face. He pulls some strange-looking bandages from his shoulder bag and sticks them to his face, then pulls a metal flask of water from the bag and drinks deeply. Then he draws a book from his bag and clears his throat. “Here is my payment, my story, of where I came from, and those before me.” Then he drinks a bit more water and begins to speak. The man takes another draft of water, then continues. Decard coughs and takes yet another sip of water. Then leans back in his chair and begins to snore softly. This is actually the story of two of our DND campaigns from different timelines (they all fall on a timeline, though some are on parallel timelines) that I merged. I used Decard as a name despite him being a villain because all of the party members hated him (mostly because he was the villain) and I couldn’t think of a name for my character in the later campaign. Obviously this is the super short version, but I think it sums it up well enough.
  14. ‘Das friggin awesome, show us more when you’ve finished with Vin!
  15. Missed this, sorry! It’s okay I guess? It sounds painful for all people involved, so that’s a downside, but it seems fairly useful.
  16. I agree to the trade with Soulbinder, with one condition: I don’t have The Sandwich, so I make them a Why Sandwich (if you don’t want to spell out my full name, you can just use Why) then try the fruit-shaped butter. I don’t like butter by itself so I split the remaining butters in half and wrap my portion in a cloth and put it in my pocket for later. I then chase after Glass and attempt to blast the stove out of her hands with a Zephyr blast. I then sneakily put the sandwich in my jacket and run off holding the stove above my head. (when I say jacket I mean inside the back of my jacket, between it and my shirt.)
  17. Emus discovered this, they violently
  18. No we would probably just keep arguing about it until the end of time Gerdur!
  19. I grab a bucket of water and drown the rubber chickens so they can’t scream. I throw a stove at the helicopter, capturing the sandwich and knocking the helicopter out of the sky. Because I don’t want to kill anyone, I put a trampoline under Soulbinder and then run off carrying the stove with the Sandwich in it.
  20. I'm glad you decided to come with me. We're almost to Riverwood.
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