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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. Line (probably) Yes, my dog, also a duck. how did you know? I went and visited that same duck last weekend. do you have an alias? If so, what is it?
  2. Lol, he probably did. Chuck Norris is simultaneously the best and worst at Hacky Sack. He’s the best because the ball never hits the ground, but also the worse because you never see the ball again.
  3. Here’s the empty shell of a hacky sack I have a horrible school desk.
  4. (I messed up the spoiler, ignore the top one.) this is my response to the “in school and bored” TPBM: No I don’t have my headphones in, I’m just sitting here bored. TPBM has read any of the Xanth books.
  5. Wait… how did you just go from missing all 4 limbs and almost in half, to fully functional and even stronger than before? And he did a bit of this *mimics the hilarious kick my uncle did* and completely missed the Hacky Sack. *I proceed to fall and injure my shoulder*
  6. I had a really good one that I didn’t write down and now I’ve forgotten it.
  7. Put it in a cookie and eat it (assuming it’s hemalurgic) Alternatively I could throw it full force at a tree and see what happens when you Hemalurgically spike a tree WWYDIYF every Xanth novel in your various pockets
  8. No idea, but probably that wars get banned, and instead, national leaders must play 3 games of chess to decide who wins the “war” (it’d be much simpler) have you ever had a cat stand on your shoulders?
  9. “DAMNATION!” I cry as a run after The Living Glass, I draw my replica of Vindication II with custom made entanglement bullets (it’s from one of my DND campaigns, I made aether-based weaponry) and fire. I hit Glass (this name is shorter, you good if I use it?) square in the back, enshrouding them in verdant vines, the. I steal the sandwich and hightail it outta there.
  10. I would like to say that… "I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee."
  11. Why didn’t you wear a plague doctor costume to the dance? (my friend did that once… as a matter of fact, it was the same one who spent an hour sneakstriking the opening bear in skyrim) WHY THE BLOODY HELL DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU PUT A BLUE WHALE IN THE BATHTUB?
  12. I use autocorrect to manipulate all that has been said here to put the sandwich in my hands, then stand inside a speed bubble, constantly swallowing bendalloy to keep it running as people come and go, waiting for the sandwich. HAHA! You fools didn’t write it in metal, so I can change everything said!
  13. Yup, its because we went to a Saint Patrick’s day parade yesterday. TPBM has a music stand that they never end up using for music
  14. (I think I watched the movie, but I’m not sure) I would give them a place to live WWYDIYF the bear from the opening of Skyrim in your pocket?
  15. Maybe (It shifts day to day, sometimes is chartreuse, sometimes purple, and sometimes even grey/gray) TPBM is on vacation
  16. Have a life-size model of Carthage (the city) I have a Lightsaber
  17. I vote Thief (I’m not gonna continue dialogue until we choose)
  18. Hold up. There’s a bear just ahead. See her?
  19. That’s a hilarious image, I guarantee Lift would do that if she could.
  20. ._. You know what’s funny? My friend said something about eating cheez-its at an alarmingly fast rate last night. to the TPBM, I believe I do (?) I can’t remember the last time I’ve had any TPBM can send a photo of their cat (or dog) right now Here’s my Nana’s:
  21. I don’t think it even has to be a PM, I mean Just-A-Stick is my only shardbuddy so far and she asked in a public thread, so there’s that.
  22. They’re all really good, and I like the envelope and the third pansy a lot! Keep up the good work!
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