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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. Fineeeeee… but to be fair, we’re not stealing it lol
  2. Nell pole vaults over the swing with the glaive, then stabs downward toward Roy
  3. HAHA Joke’s on you, I don’t have a chromebook! You get the link to my chemistry teacher’s unit 3 YouTube video Puts in a mouse (which kind? You decide.)
  4. Dallas area. I can’t see the map because my school blocked google maps and earth, but I have a laptop at home I can use
  5. We’re reviewing for midterms tomorrow and the next day. I forgot what we’re doing in Geometry rn, I blame the Shard for being too interesting and funny. By I forgot I mean that I know that we’re reviewing, but I forgot what we’re doing in specific.
  6. “I simply want to know about the plants and animals, I am going to be here a while and I want to know what I can eat when I’m away from your masterful cooking.” The man looks around, “I’m gonna go to the bathroom and when I get back, I will tell you a story of the place I came from.” He stands and walks toward the restroom. (I’m going to assume that there is one here)
  7. Have a vial of whiskey with a bead of iron in it I have a stack of books made entirely up of the Aeneid.
  8. You get a bottle of Horneater Lager Inserts full and unkeyed goldmind
  9. The man eyes Lucas, but speaks to Lunamor “Nice to meet you Numuhukumakiaki’aialunamor” *coughs* “I will definitely call you Lunamor, because that is a mouthful, although it is a very nice name.” The man looks back to Lunamor “You can call me Decard, I’m not supposed to be here and I hope somehow you can help me out. I simply need information about this place.” He takes a sip of the Horneater Lager and raises his eyebrows “That’s some good stuff right there, what’s in it?”
  10. I grab my multitool and attempt to break into your ship by any means necessary. I need that sandwich. I shoot the cockpit until the shield is down then, blow open the hatch with the plasma launcher and grab the sandwich while my cloaking device is active.
  11. I take the Radiant Pillar BC1 from No Man’s Sky and steal the sandwich before opening the Galaxy map and warping to a new system. I leave a message saying “Can’t catch me now!”
  12. I got a 1 minute 42 second voicemail of just silence
  13. Nope, and I hope I won’t have one TPBM should be doing some form of work, but theres too much so they pulled a procrastination.
  14. “Thank you sir.” The man says as he takes a bite of stew. “Harmony’s Forearms! This is some of the best stew I’ve ever tasted, just like my mother’s!” The man freezes and sits in stunned silence then quietly says “Thank you again… What was your name?”
  15. “I see, thank you for the bandages, may I have some stew and one of these Horneater Lagers please? As I eat I will think of a story to tell.” he asks as he sits down and begins to bandage his wounds
  16. What would you do if you saw me sitting on the roof with a shardbow pointed in your direction? God, that scared me! I love it!
  17. Nell dodges (?) and stabs the glaive toward Sleeper 5 times in rapid succession
  18. Northeast Corner Nell (yea I’m also using a character from my story because why not) appears, she snaps her fingers and a massive Glaive appears in her hands, vines of shadow twisting around it as she stalks toward Sleeper, spinning the Glaive, then sweeps it toward his midsection. (I know that it said no magic, the vines of shadow are just an intrinsic property of the glaive, I won’t use them to attack.)
  19. Yea, my friend is the same way, he doesn’t eat enough because he doesn't feel hungry and then he’s really hungry when it wears off because he didn’t eat enough. Also he doesn’t sleep well.
  20. He raises his eyebrow and asks, “what’s a… Boot Cake, was it?”
  21. It’s not actually a cryptic, but I realize it could be one. I made it as a symbol for one of the gods my friend created for one of our D&D campaigns. (It would make sense for it to be a cryptic though, because I am technically a Lightweaver.) As for Weaver of Light’s Avatar, that’s pretty cool, 8/10
  22. A strange man stumbles in, looking distracted. He has several bleeding gashes on his face and a hole in his right shoulder. He looks exhausted and angry. He mutters to himself “Rusting bandits, always making life so rusting hard.” Then he looks up and his face smooths into calmness. “Greetings, I’d like a bowl of your signature stew and a mug of… Horneater Lager? That sounds good. Also some bandages if you have them. What currency do you use here, Spheres, Coins, Shells?”
  23. Nope! TPBM is a fan of eating pretzels or chips by themselves/straight out of the bag. (Me lol)
  24. I shoot down the rocket using the Shovel Launcher from Far Cry 5, being careful not to 1. Injure Lord Spirit, and 2. Not to damage the sandwich, before grabbing it and driving my Stormlight powered Space Tesla to Jupiter and hiding underneath it.
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