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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. I don’t think it’s an auction. Also with a few more months of this, we’ll reach 2024 on pages.
  2. Welcome! If you could bring back 2 Sandersonian characters back to life in a room for an hour, who’d you choose? (Excluding WoT
  3. Welcome! If you could bring any 2 Sandersonian characters back to life in a room for 2 hours, who would you pick? (Excluding WoT)
  4. But wait, I want a dragon! I didn’t prepare a question, so I’ll give my 2 intro questions for sharders: 1. How are you today 2. If you could bring any 2 Sandersonian characters back to life, (excluding WoT) in a room for an hour, who would you choose?
  5. Oh boy, that would be awkward lol
  6. Elend and Elhokar would probably get along fairly well, and Wayne and Elhokar… oh boy… that there’d be mighty entertaining
  7. We were visiting family in Mississippi, where it always rains lol. Harmony’s forearms! That’s a lot of lightning! I have a really old headset, and from what I remember, when you log in, you’re at the top of a cliff, looking down at a river very far below you lol, doesn’t mix well with fear of heights, so I feel ya
  8. Huh, interesting. I have become less afraid of it (as long as I’m expecting it) since I had to walk a mile in pitch-darkness with torrential rain, lots of lightning, and wind so strong it was pushing the car of the person who came to pick us up—me and my family, I wasn’t alone—around on the road. Although that hasn’t made me like it per se.
  9. Thanks! Pyrophobia… me too Loud Noises annoy me but don’t scare me. Unless it’s lightning, if I’m not expecting it, like if it’s the middle of the night and I’m reading, listening to a book, or sleeping lightly, and I hear an enormous boom outside my window, I am under the pillow cowering for like 5 minutes lol. That’s mostly because its unexpected though.
  10. We share Amaxophobia - Drivers here are maniacs, Scoleciphobia - *shudders*, and Cibophobia, though mine is just if I see it, like if I see mold on an apple I’ll immediately condemn all fruit in the bowl, but if I don’t see anything wring w/ it, I’m fine. Thanatophobia and Mesainikavasanistiriophobia are things I have as well lol, combine them and I’m gone (Death by torture is horrifying)
  11. Greetings! If you could bring any 2 Sandersonian Characters back to life (excluding WoT characters) in the same room for an hour, who’d you pick?
  12. Same lol, “Man”, “Bro”, and “Dude” are all gender-neutral for me (“Man” because I’ll occasionally walk over to a friend, point at them, and just say “Man”). Anyways, Welcome! If you could bring any 2 Sanderson Characters back to life in the same room for an hour, who’d you pick? (they have to be in a book by Brandon Sanderson, but no Wheel of Time)
  13. Ok, So I went to the Reactormag’s Cosmere Cuisine page and found the Mistborn Scones and made them. Here’s what I made: They were really good, and the Bacon and Cheddar one was really good with mustard. (Top is Apple and Cranberry w/ a cinnamon glaze, Bottom is Bacon and Cheddar)
  14. Just read your About Me and saw that you like listening to Violin, which I think is pretty cool because I just happen to play Violin.

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Cool, maybe I could hear it sometime.

  15. Angry Geese (specifically angry ones, calm/happy ones are fine), Heights (when I’m not on a plane or smth, even tall buildings terrify me), I fear death, and I fear breaking bones, I’ve never done that before.
  16. I would say that if your laptop isn’t good at handling mods, add Sodium and Optifine, they have very similar functions, but they work fairly well together, and I was able to get my modpack with 257 mods running just fine on my laptop. (My laptop is also very slow, before I fiddled with Sodium and Optifine my singleplayer world was averaging about 1 fps.) I noticed a few anomalies: Botarium is an API for making tech mods, so unless you’re wanting to do that, then I’d remove it. Cloth API is fabric, and Create is Forge, so they wouldn’t go together Recommendations: - The Maps have settings where you can turn off mobs and players, so you can just add it and make a rule that all players must turn it off. It’s not the best solution, but I feel like it’s worth it. You decide. - Adding Simple Voice Chat - It’s easy to set up and grants some pretty easy communication. - Adding JEI is probably my biggest suggestion out of all of these besides Sodium and Optifine, it makes life so easy to be able to tell what you need in order to craft stuff, especially if we’re using Create, which has some very complicated recipes. - Some QOL mods that aren’t laggy are Better 3rd Person, More Mob Variants (simply adds new textures for mobs like chickens, pigs and cows), and Fresh Animations (the last is a resource pack that adds better animations for mobs)
  17. Both? I’d probably have to go with the Duralumind, because I don’t run into foreign languages a lot but when I do it’s a friend saying something in Italian and asking me if I know what it means, so I think it would be funny to flabbergast her by responding in perfect Italian. I will say that there is that downside of it being you understanding the native language of the land, so I would have to figure that out. If there is no workaround for the languages downside, I would pick the Heat Metalmind. I live in Northeast Texas, and in summer it’s always sweltering and in winter it is always freezing. I can store heat in summer to stay cool and tap it in winter to stay warm. Then my friend can stop making fun of me for wearing a jacket in winter, lol.
  18. I’m going to convince my dad to let me make this for dinner one night.
  19. I think it’d be fantastic to walk outside on a Urithiru balcony on a cold Weeping day, with a plate of steaming waffles with Truthberries on top and (maybe) a chunk of beautifully fried chicken on the side. Plus I wonder what Kaladin would think when his mom slides him a plate of “Steaming Circular Fluffy Grain Cakes With Square Indentions Spaced Equidistantly Across The Cake”, or sees Lift chowing down on these new culinary inventions. Also, who do y’all think would invent them? And how would they be similar or different to ours? We know they have pancakes, but most of them are fundamentally different than the Pancakes we know and (some of us) love. Wait, what about if on Scadrial, they make the waffle batter, then mix in their version of Hot Chocolate? That sounds amazing!
  20. He’s Judging You…. Silently ._.


    1. TwinSouls


      *gasps* The Geese is judging me!

    2. WhyEverNot_8


      Lol, yea that’s my grandma’s duck, he has about a billion names: Duck-duck, Quack-quack, Ducky, or Bill. (He does look a lot like a goose though, I see what you mean.)

  21. “Mustard was developed by the devil or the CIA” - one of me best friends ”Grandma, did you beat [brother’s name] up? Wait that sounds bad, wait… oh, but ‘did you beat him awake’ also sounds terrible, what I mean is were you awake first” - my mom “Bro how did the beef multiply since I’ve been gone?” - My Uncle - because he left for 1 minute and the beef had multiplied.
  22. Probably not, because the Allomancy and Feruchemist mods run on Forge and it isn’t available on bedrock, sorry (We would need to use the Feruchemist mod - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/feruchemist, because the Feruchemy mod is only for 1.7 and I assume we’re going to want at least 1.19, which the Feruchemist Mod^ runs on.)
  23. Welcome! If you could bring one Cosmere character and one Cytoverse character back to life and stick them in a room for a day, who would you pick?
  24. Thanks We’re probably going to get me new windows, but it’ll likely be a while
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