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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. I have a few mods I can suggest, but need to know what version it’s on. (You do not need to add all of these, and I can say for sure that depending on the version, some will not be available.) (In order of what I recommend more) - Lag Reduction (***SUPER IMPORTANT***) > Sodium, Optifine, Clumps - Mistborn Specific > Feruchemist Origins (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/feruchemist-origins), Flan’s Mod Western Pack (u can rename the weapons, and if you make a texture pack that changes stuff based on name, but you need Optifine, which is Forge) - Map/Travel Mods > Xaero’s Map, Xaero’s Minimap, Waystones (already mentioned but why not add it to the list) - Effects > Dehydration - Communication > Simple Voice Chat (if you watch Hermitcraft or the Life Series, this is what they use) - Misc. > Comforts (sleeping bags), Traveler’s Backpacks - Camera > Freecam, Better 3rd Person - Inventory Mods: > Inventory Sorting, Legendary Tooltips, Item Highlighter, JEI -HUD Mods > WTHIT/Jade (2 mods that do the same thing), Inventory HUD+ - Appearance > Iris Shaders - Biome/World Gen Mods: > Terralith, Biomes o’ Plenty - Additional Structure Mods > Towns and Towers, Mo’ Structures, MVS (I use a lot of these for my survival world, and like them a lot)
  2. Ohhhh, ok, that makes sense. Yea I’m also cold all the time, and my bedroom temperature is horrible. I have giant windows that aren’t too good (they used to leak sometimes) and they make my room sweltering during the day and freezing at night, so I definitely wish I had a heatvent near my bed. My room is badly positioned in my house and my parent’s room is right next to the heater, meaning that when their room is really hot mine is pleasantly warm, and when their room is pleasantly warm, mine is freezing. I definitely feel ya with the always feeling cold tho, I hate that.
  3. Sporfe Its a spork with a slightly sharpened handle (It obviously comes with a handle-shaped sheath so you can eat with it) I don’t know if it exists but I wanna make it.
  4. Oh Harmony… why did I have to find this? Anyways: 1. Destiny 2 (WOO! Cayde’s Coming Back!) 2. TotK 3. BotW 4. Subnautica 5. No Man’s Sky 6. Minecraft 7. Monster Hunter: World 8. A Link to the Past 9. Horizon Zero Dawn 10. Hollow Knight (Silksong When? [my guess: after every single owner of HK 100%’s it, meaning never]) A few others (this isn’t in any particular order, I just wrote down a lot of the games I play and enjoy a lot)
  5. Nice! Willshapers also sound awesome, like, with enough Stormlight you could build yourself a house, or make hundreds of stone blocks for a castle.
  6. Which one are you? (tbh I kinda wanted Edgedancer, it sounds super useful and actually really fun)
  7. *gleefully returns highfive then sighs* I’m a Lightweaver
  8. This is funny to me because 1. I like WoR best in Stormlight 2. Star Wars is my favorite movie series (not the Disney movies tho) 3. Reading and Science used to be my 2 favorite (I like math more because Geometry is super easy 4. I took Latin for freshman year and the first half of sophomore year
  9. Nice! Glad you had a good day. Also your floor is your bed? That sounds uncomfortable to say the least. I agree that those trees are pretty cool Have a nice day!
  10. 1. Happy Late Birthday (I didn’t know until I came here to follow you lol, thanks Stick)

    2. Your background on your profile is storming awesome (hehe)

    3. Have a nice day

    1. TwinSouls


      Thanks, thanks, and thanks!


    2. WhyEverNot_8


      You’re welcome!

  11. One of my nicknames from friends is Shorty so I thought you were talking to me lol. What is your favorite: Song Book TV Show and/or movie Subject Language (some of these have probably been asked, so sorry for any repeats.)
  12. Welcome! How are you today?
  13. Awesome! Glad you have a good night! I haven’t read it because the library doesn’t have it yet so I have to find it somewhere.
  14. Muddiest place I’ve been? We stopped by a farm off the highway in Oklahoma one time (I forget why we did) and I remember my shoes were so muddy I couldn’t wear them to school for the next week Month - July (Birthday Bias) or May (because of Dreamhack [Gaming Convention]) Candy Bar - Twix Song - (Insert 1/1,000 something songs on Spotify and Apple music combined) Word - “Flabbergasted” Type of Bread - Either Goldminer Bakery’s Sourdough or the Orowheat Oatnut bread Type of Tree - Can I do an opposite here too? Because I have a Bradford Pear (I think) in front of our house and it split from just wind and it stinks in the spring. As for favorite? Probably Oak or Redwood. Cedar smells good but grows like crazy in some parts of Oklahoma (where we have a cabin) Procrastination Activity - Reading (Sandersonian works or otherwise) and playing video games Cosmere Character - Here’s a list: Kaladin, Adolin, Wit/Hoid/Cephandrius, Wayne, and Galladon Do I Like Cats? - Very much. My grandma has 3 and they’re awesome. If asked, “Dogs or Cats, who’s better?” My answer is “Yes”
  15. I’ve got these really thick and warm puma socks that (despite them being the short kind) I can wear with my hiking boots and they feel fine
  16. I don’t much not meself, I was just sticking words together trying to find smth funny/cool and thought of this and decided that it kinda suits me and so it’s me now.
  17. I’m a new guy, so I figured this would be a good way to meet new people and introduce myself better. Fire away!
  18. 1. How are you today? 2. Chair, couch, cushion, or bed (to sit on while reading or watching smth) 3. (Insert Stick’s second question here)
  19. Welcome to the Shard! (I haven’t found a good introductory question yet so) How is your day/night today? *glances around in terror* I agree
  20. I have several campaigns on hold, and most, if not all are homebrew. In the one that started most recently and have been focusing on most, my character is an alchemist that does stuff with the Aethers from Tress of the Emerald Sea, because they somehow got brought to earth. Boomslugs and Hyperslugs, also some of the unidentified kind like the one with crystals instead of the spine things.
  21. Thanks! I’m probably going to use Deep Down for now, and if I see a suggestion that really aligns with what I want the book to be about or I can find a way to fit Shining Down into it, I’ll use it. I’m using Deep Down for now because of JM’s explanation, tied with the fact that both of y’all recommended it, so I’d consider it a good idea. Thanks again!
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