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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. Me: “GAH, MY KNEES!” (I walked 8+ Miles at Dreamhack today) My Uncle: “Alright, Old Man!”
  2. Right now? Probably QuinBoBin or Grian What planet should no longer be counted as a planet?
  3. NEVERRRRR!! TPBM knows what it’s like to wear socks that have been rotated 45°
  4. Tell @professionalacoustic WWYDIYF enough tickets for all of your friends and you to go to a concert by your favorite musician
  5. “Ah, I see.” Connor shakes his head and says “See ya later!” Before strolling out of the casino into the spore rain. He raises his hands and grabs a few out of the air.
  6. I take the sandwich, wrap it in wax paper, write “YOU ARE NOT STUPID” in big, extra-bold letters, and sign my full name. Then I board a plane and fly to @Anguished_One‘s house and give her the sandwich, before giving her a hug and returning home
  7. Connor grins back Glad to hear it! I try to keep people liking me, but, you know, it’s pretty hard.” Then his smile turns into a thoughtful frown and he taps the desk with one finger “Do you have a list of all of the tributes? I need to know who’s here so I can find my… blood donor.”
  8. Other people: Read Dr. Stone for the story and the humor Me: Reads Dr. Stone because I want to learn how to make gunpowder
  9. @Anguished_One and @Part Of The Narrative both made me lose within 30 storming seconds if each other
  10. “What do you mean, blood?” Connor asks “You wanna draw my blood for a donation or somethin’?”
  11. Speaking of…. Want a cookie? no spikes, I promise. (If there are, you get a full refund, and you get an extra bonus Allomantic or Feruchemical ability)
  12. Eddie… scary is a scudding understatement. You can be downright terrifying. That’s one reason why I’m glad we’re friends (and not enemies)
  13. Connor nods “What would they cost me? And how will I know when you have them?” He glances around again and eyes The Gambler suspiciously “Also, who’s he?”
  14. Uhm… uhmmmm… am I the only one concerned about the noose part? I’m not? Great, I didn’t think so.
  15. “I cut out his heart!! It’s delicious! Especially covered in ice cream!” - Little brother (it’s his 8th birthday!) ”Ahhh yes, I absolutelyadore vital organs covered in ice cream!” - Me. In my brain.
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