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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. Yum I had chicken curry And chocolate cake (check Sharder One Liners for some quotes from that)
  2. Sameeee, what did y’all eat? Also, WOOOOO!
  3. IIWARM, I’d make a really good PC, get a nice house, a good car, and donate the rest (minus enough to get food) to charity
  4. I will say, I think Eddie has you beat lol
  5. “Yo, what’s up!” Connor glances around before turning to the man “Hello, Desk Man! I want to know what it would cost me to get some steel and a chromium metalmind.” @Edema Rue
  6. Dude, that really sucks I hope life gets better for them!
  7. Sprite… or water, water is great too. What TV show world would you rather spend summer break living in?
  8. Connor turns his head halfway and looks at Tinker “Alright then, suit yourself. Have fun starving while I stand by with my magnificent ideas!” Then he chuckles and rolls his eyes “If you can’t tell, I’m kidding” Then he turns back forwards and walks off toward the casino. When he reaches it, he goes and tries all of the doors.
  10. The question was: “WWYDIYF a beaten down shoe in your pocket” Sorry that I caused a bunch of confusion I would have sushi for dinner WWYDIYF a very cute and fuzzy ferret in your pocket?
  11. “Hey guysh” *chewing sounds* “I found ush shome food that we can eat!” Connor swallows, laughs quietly, then goes and gets more shpores from Tinker’s bag (verdant) and grows more food. Then, getting a funny idea, he grows them and tears off portions, lying them across his group member’s necks, but not tying them. (Excluding Marewill, to whom he grins and winks. | Think basically if you have a rope for a blanket and just lie it across you) After eating some more his own vines, he takes a particularly sturdy one and ties one end around a large stone. (He’s made a ball and chain, just… without the chain.) Then, after turning and walking away, he says “I’ll be back, I’m heading to the casino for a while.”
  12. Can I please go sleep now?
  13. Oh, and also I failed by about 200 feet and probably several months or years
  14. Connor grabs the vines and yanks them out of the water, then tries to snap off a bit with his hands and just chows down. @Ancient Elantrian
  15. @Anguished_One Why must you do this to me? (I’ll think on it)
  16. Gets me, flattened and in CD form. inserts @Anguished_One, as punishment for making me admit to not being a coward :I
  17. Connor leaps to his feet and strolls towards Tinker. Ignoring Marewill doing… romantic stuff, he reaches down and grabs a single verdant spore from the bags. Then, walking back to the water, he tosses it into the water and backs up.
  18. YAAAAAAYYYYYY SHE ADMITS IT! @Through The Living Glass@Wierdo@everyonewhosapartofthis also I’m not a coward
  19. Gets a tiny frog *whispers* “And he’s grumpy” Puts in my library card that I can never find
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