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Everything posted by WhyEverNot_8

  1. Connor rolls over and begins snoring loudly
  2. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE *Sighs* Stick has informed me that it is not, in fact, a frog. It is apparently a toad.
  3. *Pulls a whole cake, as well as a bowl of mashed potatoes, 5 stacks of pancakes on a plate, and several bags of chips out of my hoodie pocket and puts them on the table in front of me* ”yUm…” *stomach rumbles*
  4. B’cuz I like ‘em by themselves as a side for my pizza (no they don’t go on the pizza) What is your ideal activity to do on a first date?
  5. Gimme like 5 minutes and I’ll get the photo of the tiny frog I found this morning
  6. I aim Archimedes II at you and cackle loudly. Then I say, “Hand over the sandwich or get zapped by the giant space laser.”
  7. Connor cracks an eye open and says “Krin, like Sharp said, we’re trying to sleep, and you should too.” Then he closes his eyes and goes back to sleep.
  8. Gets a freezer and a weekly reminder never to freeze goat cheese Inserts a cheese-broccoli-rice-chicken bake
  9. Oh! Shoot, I missed that, thanks for pointing it out! (I’ll go edit the post rq) (I made it “What’s your favorite video game?” Sorry for any confusion )
  10. “Okay…” Connor shrugs “I’m not sure I can sleep right now though,” he gestured towards his head and finished with “Too many thoughts”
  11. This This is my Senior Prank. Not taping pieces of paper with “Gullible” printed on them, to the ceiling, I am going to take as many pop-tart boxes as I can, make hats/helmets out of them, and bring a toaster to school.
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