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Status Updates posted by Crowstavern

  1. Today is the day. You get to meet both my boys!


  2. apologies for nothing today, it’s been stressful. I’ll probably share more of my story tomorrow :]

    you’ll get to meet my boys :>>>>

  3. Question for the masses:

    How much has @Calano Corvus talked about me? I’m curious.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Crowstavern


      Sounds about right. I don’t think I’ll ever fully comprehend how much he talks to others about me. 

    3. Medium


      you won’t 🤭

      im simply just that cool

    4. Sequence


      I haven't heard about you yet!! :0000
      Welcome to the Shard!! Pleasure to meet you.

  4. Afternoon people, I present to you now, a rough quote of what my physics teacher just told us. We’re learning about closed and open systems and got on the topic of rocket fuel and liquid oxygen.

    “If you put liquid oxygen in your engine it would increase in power, it would however melt not even a joke it would be that hot”

    science is wack.

  5. As a way to end my first day here, I just wanted to say I’m so happy to meet you all. You’re all so kind and wonderful. Thank you for being so kind and I hope we can be even greater friends :>>>

    1. Slowswift


      Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here!

  6. Now the most important question of this evening. 
    do I

    A: pester Calano 

    B: Read the rest of Tress

    C : Work on my story

    (I have a story and I might just start sharing bits here :])

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kajsa


      A and/or C. 






    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      All of the above at the same time.

      (heeheeeeeee I will read all your writing and love ittttt)

    4. Cash67


      too late but all three was an option... and also the most fun!

  7. I honestly thought I would’ve got found out a bit sooner. 
    But yes, I am the girlfriend. 
    did I make this account in secret to enact a plans of sorts?  You could say that.

    Did he end up finding out anyways? Yes, but it’s part of the plan. :]

    Don't worry, it’ll all come together.

    1. Kajsa


      I love secret plans. They’re the best. Good luck 🍀 😉 

  8. Helloo! Pleasure to meet you wonderful people! I’m Crow :]

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
    3. Kajsa


      Hi Crow! I’m Kajsa. Which rhymes with like the acacia tree yk? Not kaj-suh. I write and sing and draw stuff in my free time. I’m pretty lowkey but chaotic when I want to be. That’s like all u need to know abt me lol. It’s so nice to meet you!

    4. Cash67


      Whoops @Kajsa I've been pronouncing it wrong....

      Anyway @Crowstavern, I did introduce myself over on Corvo's page, but here I am again! I'm Cash67, but I'll respond to Cash, 67, 'Hey you', or pretty much anything intended to get my attention. I do music and read too much. I am currently student teaching, so expect my activity to be a *little* lower than others here. Glad to have you!

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