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Through The Living Glass

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Through The Living Glass last won the day on September 18

Through The Living Glass had the most liked content!

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  • Member Title
    Everyone sees what you appear to be-few really know what you are
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  • Location
    The Robotics shop, building something cool.
  • Interests
    Jesus, my bf, reading, poems, engineering, ROBOTICS, electronics, singing, building anything and everything, memes, baking, cooking, Subnautica, Subnautica: Below Zero, Stardew Valley, FNaF (shh), hanging with friends, being extroverted, plotting how to steal the Sandwich, stealing the Sandwich, having the Sandwich stolen from me, planning how to steal the Sandwich back, getting revenge on the person who stole the Sandwich... Sanderbooks, Sandertheories, Sanderlists, Sanderseries, Sanderstuff, Sanderquieries, Sanderpuns, and rhymes. ;)

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  1. What color are your bones?

    1. Through The Living Glass
    2. WhyEverNot_8


      Awesome, mine are green! (I think, I’ve never seen them)

      And here’s that link I promised


    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass


      I remember now 😂

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