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Clockwork King

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Posts posted by Clockwork King

  1. On 7/31/2024 at 12:27 PM, SticksandStones said:

    Hi, folks! I have been working on a Stormlight Archive Fanfiction, and could use a beta reader or two. I am not sure if this is an acceptable place to ask? If not, I will delete as directed! Currently at over 8K and the outline has another 30 or so chapters thus far. I am a first time reader and very much in over my head.




    When the battle for the Oathgate in Shadesmar takes a deadly turn, everything starts to unravel - kingdoms, alliances, even families. Now the fate of Roshar depends on a princeling's sewing lessons.


    “Darning socks is easy, my little light. There are other things - hearts, and minds, and people - that are far harder to mend. But you have clever hands, and a gentle heart…”


    “And a needle?” Adolin said, beaming and holding up the little sewing kit in a chubby hand.


    Evi smiled.


    “And a needle."


    Just to add: this will have a great deal to do with Adolin reviving Maya and the "resurrection" of Deadeyes influencing the attitude of spren toward forming new bonds.

    Hey man, I would love to help! I love writing and helping others do so. just P.M. me the link or however you want to do this.

  2. I Thought it was an amazing and well-done book with a healthy combination of cosmere characters. my only qualm with the book was the main antagonist and side characters. the Cider King (a cool name though) was an under done and half-baked villain with very little detail and story. Of all the secret projects I have read, it would probably be 3rd. with Yumi being first and Tress 2nd

  3. On 7/21/2024 at 11:16 PM, Ookla said:

    I would just varnish it/stain it some nice, natural color. Highlight the wood, rather than hiding it, if you know what I mean. I think it's really pretty as-is, so just touching that up and bringing out the grain would be my preferred choice, if I were the craftsman.

    Alright, I'll see what I can do. Thank you.

  4. 15 hours ago, Silver Phantom said:

    This looks amazing. How much does it weigh and are you planing on engraving the Glyphs that are on Sunraiser

    I would add stain to the handle and guard to make it more distinct from the blade. On the blade itself I would add clear varnish just to protect it and bring out the natural colors. Whatever you do it’s still going to be an amazing work of art and an awesome conversation starter

    it weighs almost 3 pounds, and yes I'm going to put the glyphs on the blade with a wood burner. alright I will look into the color pattern, thank you!

  5. On 7/3/2024 at 8:12 PM, reisleK said:

    I play softball and I think to myself "Pick up the ball with your freehand! Not your safehand"

    This, except I was finishing Rhythm of War and when I was done it was 5:30am and I somehow had subluxated (partially dislocated) my shoulder. 


    I am okay, my shoulder is currently where it's supposed to be

    i did the same thing for Rhythm of War in particular except instead of dislocating my shoulder, i jammed two of my fingers bad while trying to put the book back on my shelf at 4:28am

  6. as a Dustbringer myself, I'm obsessed with them and therefor am very curious if any of the non radiant characters we have met could turn into a Dustbringer. this topic is also made even more intriguing as Dustbringers are 1 of the 3 radiant types not seen within the Archive yet. 

    I'm open to all theories at this point because I'm having trouble finding potential candidates for the Dustbringer title.

  7. On 12/17/2020 at 2:32 AM, metaldragon said:

    Everyone seems to think that Dalinar will take up Honor since he bonded the storm father but I think Kalidin has a much stronger case.

    "Honor is dead but I'll see what I can do"

    Being called the son of Tanavast by the storm father and the sibling.

    Has embodied Honor for his entire life always choosing the honorable path no matter the circumstances.

    Has a growing following that has "faith" in him and use his brand as almost a religious symbol.

    Honor is Dead but I'm convinced we'll see what Kaladin can do.

    If Dalinar holds a shard it would be the shard of War.

    Hes the only character so far that has been chosen by both odium as a champion and  by honor with the storm father accepting him.

    I predict.

    1. Dalinar loses to Odiums challenger 

    2. Kaladin ascends to honor.

    3. Honor kamikaze into odium leaving Both shards and Dalinar picking them up with his new shard making him the big bad and free to leave Roshar.

    Who better to carry the Shard of war than Dalinar? What better opposite to Harmony?



    I agree with this heavily but one thing that is a bit odd is why would Dalinar bear the Shard of War? after Oathbringer he was far less violent and tended to be more of a pacifist, preferring to command from behind the scenes. 

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