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King Oreo

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Status Replies posted by King Oreo

  1. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii it's my Shardiversary!

    It's been seven years now, I think.

    Gonna keep this short cause I'm really not active on here much anymore, but I'm just going to thank a few people.

    @The Awakened Salad HEY NERD. I love you. Just. Yeah. You're really really cool. You know how I feel about you. :P I can talk to you about anything, and you're just one of my absolute favorite people ever.

    @AonEne HEY NERD. I love you. You're also super duper cool, and it's always fun to pull the "I know a mod and his dog attempted to initiate relations with me" card. (I don't do anything with it, I just show it to people I guess. I think I mention you more than I mention my aunt knowing Emily really well? Anyways.) I'm really going to miss being close to you next year, but we made it work before then and it will continue to work. Thanks for just. Always being there.

    So grateful for the FAB squad as a whole, you two really are just two of my closest friends and I hope it stays that way for eternity. (My ghost will haunt your ghosts.) (I feel like that's a reference to something but I'm not sure what.) (Might be a Skyward quote actually?)

    @Knight of Iron Koiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Thanks for being awesome. I'm always so thrilled when you DM me. I love talking to you so much. Thanks for being my Hollow Knight buddy.

    @Ed Venture HEY NERD. (I could great every single one of you like that.) Okay so here's an example of how Vennie is the best human being ever. She lived down the road from me this last school year. When I was moving out to come back home for the summer, I invited her over so we could hang out one last time before I left. I was expecting her to just kinda hang out while I cleaned and we'd talk or maybe watch something, but she just showed up and asked how she could help. And she then proceeded to clean the majority of the kitchen. (My two roommates who left early didn't do much cleaning.) AND when I left the next day, I had mentioned that morning on Discord in a random channel having gotten a cut on my finger and thinking it was infected but having all my first aid stuff packed, and she ran by to say bye and just. Brought me a bandaid and some antibiotic stuff from her job. I have nothing for praise but this wonderful lady, I'm going to miss her so much next year. (I'm going to a different college.)

    @DramaQueen HEY NERD. Thanks for being such a great roommate! You're crazy and I'm worried about your quantity of free time, but I have so much respect for you for just. Doing it. You're really cool, and I'm going to miss having you around next year. (I have to live with people I don't know????)

    @King Oreo Hello my child. Thank you so much for all the memes, and all the pictures of your critters, and of course for sharing all of your art! I love you so much, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. Talking to you always brightens my day.

    @Mist @Condensation @Vapor Hi nerds!!! Sorry for grouping you all together, but I wanted to mention all of you and I'm going to bed very soon. But you all are so cool??? Just you're all genuinely so thoughtful and kind, and so fun to be around. I'm also going to miss being close to you all, but I'm so grateful we got to hang out so much this last year (even though it wasn't anywhere near enough). (Tell the cats I love them.)

    And of course a shout out to everyone who has touched my life, especially the Knights of the Cosmere roleplayers back in 2017 and the original TUBA group. Thanks for letting me know what it's like to belong. I'm eternally grateful.

    Until next year! (Unless I just totally leave by then, I really don't know what will happen.)

    1. King Oreo

      King Oreo

      Happy shardiversary!!! Have a sleepy sage pic 


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. I’m 99.99% straight. The 0.01% is me imagining myself as Aziphrael. I’m not technically watching the show if it’s just a few compilations on YouTube. Right?

    1. King Oreo

      King Oreo

      @The Bookwyrm Michael Sheen is an actor from the TV show Good Omens. He plays the role of aziriphale, one of the main characters. It's very good and worth the watch. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. I’m 99.99% straight. The 0.01% is me imagining myself as Aziphrael. I’m not technically watching the show if it’s just a few compilations on YouTube. Right?

    1. King Oreo

      King Oreo

      I'm 99.99 gay and 0.01% of me is looking at anathema and thinking she's hot

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. I’m 99.99% straight. The 0.01% is me imagining myself as Aziphrael. I’m not technically watching the show if it’s just a few compilations on YouTube. Right?

  5. Working on a cosmere animation but you didn't hear that from me  :ph34r:

    1. King Oreo

      King Oreo

      My laptop broke so I can't work on the animatic I was making ;-;

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Just finished tlm. Expect art soon :P

    1. King Oreo

      King Oreo

      TWO posters!!

      (And maybe some doodles :ph34r:)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. asdjkfalksajsdk I love your pfp

  8. asdjkfalksajsdk I love your pfp

    1. King Oreo

      King Oreo

      Thank you :wub: 

      Here's the full image 



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Working on a cosmere animation but you didn't hear that from me  :ph34r:

    1. King Oreo

      King Oreo

      I have some friends doing voice acting for me and I'm super hyped to share the final

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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