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King Oreo

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Posts posted by King Oreo

  1. 6 minutes ago, Wierdo said:

    1: I have read Brandon Sanderson's books for 3 years.
    2: I technically live in two states.
    3: I got my main friend group to read Brando Sando.
    (Thought I might as well do one of these :P

    I'm betting number 1

    3 hours ago, Cash67 said:

    I'm assuming this thread is like the imagine sharders, so yeah go whenever! ( @King Oreo can clarify as thread creator though). I'm also gonna go.

    Yeah after the previous one is solved, just go and make another whenever!

  2. 14 minutes ago, Weaver of Lies said:

    3 is the lie?


    14 minutes ago, Weaver of Lies said:

    1. I’ve read everything in the Cosmere more than 3 times.

    2. I’ve read every book by Brandon Sanderson.

    3. The Lost Metal is my all time favorite book.

    I'm betting #2

  3. I figured this could be fun! Didn't see any ones similar so making my own (notify me if I'm wrong)

    For those unfamiliar, you write two truths about yourself then one false thing.

    I'll start! 

    1) I can't smell or taste

    2) I can't swim

    3) I can do a one handed cartwheel 


  4. 2 hours ago, ShrubSeph said:

    I got asked out on my first date with another guy two days ago (at least I'm pretty sure it was a date) so yippee! We went and saw a musical and it was great.

    I had already asked him to prom (he said yes) which is in a few weeks and I'm super excited!

    Wahoo!! I hope you two have fun :D

  5. 1 minute ago, AonEne said:

    Alright so - basically my thought is that, with the intent of keeping vampires secret, lying and gaslighting is understandable, if still not nice to be on the other side of. Better to save her life, and then try to save it again by not [New Moon spoilers] 

      Hide contents

    putting her potentially in the line of fire of the Volturi, 


    Hadn't thought about it that way! 

    3 minutes ago, AonEne said:

     that's getting overprotective and can definitely be a red flag. I don't think this gaslighting is a green flag, but I do think in context, it's arguably not abusive, as it's done for a legitimate reason. 

     Given the context I agree, hadn't thought about it like that before but it makes a lot more sense from that view! I'll make sure to keep the volturi in mind for the later analysis. 

  6. Twilight chapter four


    Oh boy where do we start...

    Basically Bella nearly gets run over by another student. Edward runs over to protect Bella and destroys the car. 

    He then goes on to blame Bella and convince her that she saw nothing via gaslighting

    Say it with me now

    Red flags!

    Chapter 5-6


    Wow... Edward forcing himself upon Bella and convincing her that she can't even drive herself home because she had a panic attack about blood. 


    4 hours ago, AonEne said:

    For sure, I just don't want to say there's one right way to read a book. 😅

    I'm really enjoying this book! It's not my first read through but I'm enjoying it a lot more with seeing the hints from book one that leads up to book four


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