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Everything posted by kroen

  1. Some powers and how they work within my system: Flight: Energy is the same as walking. Flying up is the same as if you could walk up. Teleportation: Energy is the same as walking to where you're teleporting, except it's instantaneous. If there's water between your location and the target location, energy includes swimming. Obviously you won't be able to teleport really far unless you have massive stores of energy. Telekinesis: Energy is the same as actually holding the target object or person. Regeneration: Energy is the amount your body would have used to naturally heal, except it's instantaneous. It's possible to heal injuries that wouldn't normally have healed if you have enough energy. Super Strength: You won't be able to do anything with this power unless you have more enegy than your body can produce. Super Speed: Same as super strength. Super Vision: Ability to see through solid objects. Energy is the same as actually walking behind the target object. Night Vision: Does nothing without extra energy. Thermal Vision: Does nothing without extra energy. Altertness: Negates the need to sleep. You basically swap alterness now to be more alert later. Only useful if you can store it in the appropriate medium. There are dozens of more options, but I think you get the gist. Rule of thumb is: If your power is to do something the human body is incapable of (like looking through opaque objects), it always takes more energy than your body can produce. (Flying is special in that it has less to do with your body and more to do with gravity.)
  2. Personally I enjoyed the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind.
  3. The reason I'm not a fun touching is because how then do I make the case that touching batteries work while touching living batteries (e.g. humans, animals, plants) doesn't? if you consume the battery, however, it can be said the stamina charge is a part of you like your innate stamina is.
  4. I was thinking universal batteries. After all, regardless of your power, stamina is stamina. And now that I think of it, I think the batteries should be something consumable, otherwise you could draw from batteries someone else is carrying (and just touching them doesn't cut it imo). And now it seems I've blended Epics, Allomancy, Feruchemy, Breath and Eragon's magic. Not sure how I feel about it.
  5. Sounds intriguing. May have to give it a read. I've come up with a rough idea for my magic, and I'd appreciate any and all criticism: -Each person with a supowerpower only has one power. -Using your power takes the same amount of energy/stamina as if you did the "regular" way. -Few examples: If your power is flight, then hovering 100 meters about the ground would be just as exhausting as climbing a 100 meters worth of stairs; if your power is seeing through objects, then seeing through a wall 2 meters in front of you would drain you as if you've walked up to and behind the wall; if your power is telekinesis and you levitate a knife a meter from you, the toll on your body would be just as if you've walked a little, reached and hold the knife with your hand. If you try to say push a truck, you won't be able to unless you're able to do it with your bare hands. This is idea is very rudimentary, but I already have a problem with it: It's basically the magic system from Eragon sans speaking in an ancient language. The twist in the Eragon books is that you can draw power from other living things as opposed to your own body. So say you want to lift a 1-ton rock. Well you can if draw the power of nearby plants and animals (likely killing them in the process) instead of from yourself. My magic system differs in 2 major ways: 1. In Eragon, if you try to do something that's beyond the strength you can draw from yourself and/or other organisms, you die. With my system, you'll be as tired as if you've tried to push that 1-ton rock. You'd fail, but you'd be alive. 2. The twist. I don't want practitioners to draw from ther living things. I fiddled with the idea of having them draw from inanimate objects, but that doesn't really make sense. Writing these lines I've come to sort of a breakthrough: A currency/trading system that's kind of a hybrid between Breath and Feruchemy. You can take a special object (to be thought of later) and invest your stamina in it, making you really tired and eventually making you fall asleep. You can then draw power from that object like from a metalmind, but unlike metalmind you can use another's stored stamina. In this way you can buy and sell stamina as you would do with Breath, but unlike Breath these objects can be taken from you by force/stolen. There's still a lot to develop here. Just wanted to know if I'm on the right track or not.
  6. The former. The plot doesn't seem very interesting to me. Can you give me the gist of the causes for their powers?
  7. I really like The Reckoner's series, and I always wanted to write a book where the magic system is superpowers. But unlike in The Reckoners where the powers are what Brandon calls "soft magic", I'd like to design a power system of "hard magic"; meaning supowerpowers that have defined rules and faux-physics governing them. Kind of like Allomancy, Feruchemy, Surgebinding, Awakening, etc. It's just that I have no idea how to go about it. I don't want it to be mutations like X-Men or Spiderman, but something more in-line with Superman (Earth's yellow sun and lower gravity than Krypton, etc.) and not just "more in-line" but something... more. I'd categorize Superman's powers as in between "soft" and "hard". What I want is hard. I've seen a lot of movies and TV shows depicting supwerpowers, but I'm not satisfied with any of their explantions as to how they work. I also don't want it to be a carbon copy of an existing magic system (so burning a resource to be able to fly and such is off-limits). Have any ideas? cause I'm desperate for some. Thanks.
  8. Didn't Brandon said somewhere that Odium knows he can't beat Harmony?
  9. Actually the book in the picture is 5000 pages, while all of the 10 Stormlight Archives books would be well over 10,000 pages.
  10. Odium's plan is to be the only shard remaining, right? well then unless he drops the all "don't take the shards you kill" act he stands 0% chance to defeat Harmony. A shard shouldn't be stupid regardless of intent, right? so why then does Odium even conceive a plan he himself know he can't accomploish? unless he does plan to take some shards at some point, which is where the theory comes in.
  11. For example, there can be a book that's comprised of a collection of all Brandon's short stories. Maybe even all of Alcatraz books in another volume (they're short enough that I believe it's possible). Also, I've seen some of Brandon's lectures on writing and read his 3 magic laws, and I think it'll be awesome if they'll be collected into a book to help people write. What do you think?
  12. Though how is Szeth going to weild Nightblood without dying? And while it's strong, sure, it lacks Shardblades' ability to be unsummoned.
  13. Hoid is special, he came from the first world. They had other magics there.
  14. How did Vasher get to Roshar though? As for Bondsmith: Ah, I thought it was Tenstion+Cohesion. Willshapers was was I had in mind when I said it was a broken combo.
  15. WHAT WHAT WHAT?! Where? who? when? HOW?!
  16. kroen


    probably tlr
  17. Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I literally just now finished the book. Not because I'm the world's slowest reader, but because I only have 1 free day per week to read, and that was today. First reaction: OMG I totally called Jasnah! great minds I guess? And Elsecallers could actually teleport? that's like way cool. Second reaction: Man, that Kaladin/Szeth fight was beyond epic. It was like watching (err, reading) two Kryptoninans fighting, except with swords, and swords make everything more epic. Fact, look it up. Only it was even more epic because of Kaladin's shapeshifiying Spernblade (term doesn't exist? well it should!) Final reaction: Nightblood? the bloody hell are you doing here in Roshar? anyone knows? Bonus reaction: Skybreaker, eh? does that mean Szeth could disintigrate people like Deathpoint from The Recokoners? And Bondsmith... wonder what he can do. On the face of it, it sounds a ridiculously overpowered combination of surges, and my first thought was Doctor Manhattan. How far off am I?
  18. Wow really? so all my questions are being answered at the very end of the book?
  19. 1. Why was Jasnah so easy to kill? After all, she was a Surgebinder, and from what we've seen in the series so far, it doesn't matter if you're a Windrunner, Lightweaver, Edgedancer or any other Surgebinder- Stormlight will still heal you and make you very, very difficult to kill. So how did Jasnah die so relatively easily? 1.2. What was the second Surge Jasnah was able to use? we've only ever seen her using Soulcasting. Hypothesis: Could her second Surge be Transportation? could she actually be alive? maybe her Stormlight healed her and she simply played dead, and when the ship turned to fire she teleported somewhere else? 2. How was Shallan able to change the shape and size of her Blade? We've never seen this ability demonstrated before. Is her Blade actually an Honorblade as opposed to Shardblade? 2.1. If so, shouldn't she have 3-4 Surge powers as oppsed to 2? (2 from her spren, then 1 or 2 from her Blade, unless her Blade gives her the exact Surges her spren does). Note: I still have 130 pages to read before I finish WoR, so if any of these questions are answered there please tell me and don't answer that particular question.
  20. White is actually a color, unlike black which is the absence of color. Usuaully Brandon's magic systems follow the laws of physics to a degree, but this one had me stumped.
  21. As Rand witnesses, a world with no Light (by the Dark One winning) is just as bad as a world with no Shadow (by killing the Dark One). In both worlds, people have no free will.
  22. My point was that if it happened infinite times before, then surely some Dragon would have chose to kill the Dark One. Not every dragon ever had Rand's moral code.
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