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About Vyzkel

  • Birthday 03/18/2009

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Friendly Neighborhood Crazy Man
  • Pronouns
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  • Interests
    Pizza, Dark Humor, Things out of context, Books, Pig Pen Code, Anime in general, and Taekwondo

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  1. My dad usually lets me read his books, and he has a lot, I don’t wanna name em off.
  2. As much as I possibly can(which isn’t enough). TPBM has considered faking their own death.
  3. I fly back to earth and chill on the beach while everyone is having a wizard battle, happily holding the Sandwich.
  4. I confusedly peel the cheese off my face and taste it.
  5. Nah, just half(unless I need to catch up on homework, then only a third). TPBM has accidentally posted on the wrong thread(I.e posting about wishes in TBFTS instead of Boon/Bane).
  6. I ignore the cows and just steal the Sandwich from Unintelligenius, then I eat some Mars pizza.
  7. Granted, fruit flies now live twice as long. I wish to taste the worlds best food.
  8. Granted, the economy crashes. I wish for the best phone ever to exist to appear in my hand.
  9. Granted, it’s sugar-free and only has kale in it. I wish for a hundred dollar Amazon gift card
  10. Granted, I change back to a human and now have a wig and makeup on, I am your girlfriend(for the day). I wish to stop being transformed into stuff.
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