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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. I’m a very punctual person, so when these people are in front of me I just wanna give their neck a nice tight hug. TPBM is almost always early to events.
  2. I nonchalantly yell grenade in the most monotone voice possible.
  3. It’s just a really big banana, so it deserves more na’s. I nonchalantly grapple PianoSavant to the ground and take the Sandwich out of the banana.
  4. I like these answers, makes me feel… mysterious.
  5. I take a banana which secretly has the Sandwich in it, I thank Unintelligenius and walk away nonchalantly.
  6. nah, I just ate lunch. TPBM is frustrated by taxes.
  7. It’s a tragedy TPBM Lives or has lived on a farm.
  8. Have a three pound bag of Cheetos. I have shoes with no soles.
  9. *signature look of superiority* TPBM is a top poster for any thread.
  10. My dad usually lets me read his books, and he has a lot, I don’t wanna name em off.
  11. As much as I possibly can(which isn’t enough). TPBM has considered faking their own death.
  12. I fly back to earth and chill on the beach while everyone is having a wizard battle, happily holding the Sandwich.
  13. I confusedly peel the cheese off my face and taste it.
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