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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. Granted, you now have three bowls that all each have an ant named Banana Pudding. I wish for @Doomslug Doomslug Doomslug to be able to restore people to their original form.
  2. Granted, but the fish is a hardcore procrastinator. I wish for the power of flight.
  3. Granted, but their all alcoholics now. I wish to be a merman.
  4. I don’t need to recognize you, because I smell the Sandwich. I take right from under your nose and run away.
  5. *tips hat* you seem tired, little lady.
  6. I was literally singing to myself while reading that. TPBM does something that could be a job but doesn’t get paid.
  7. I see… then seems like the sleep before option wasn’t really an option. Alright then, cherish the thirty minutes you have to rest, then sleep afterwards.
  8. Well, if you’re going to drive there then the best solution would be to sleep before because if you’re tired and driving you have a really high chance that you’re gonna get into a crash, if you are being driven there then it doesn’t really matter, but the driver(whomever it may be) might be concerned that you look so drowsy(if you don’t sleep before, that is), causing the possibility to look at you and give you a concerned look as they’re driving, slightly increasing the chance that you may crash. Anyway, the safest possible option would be to sleep before, since the possibilities of injury are much higher if travelling drowsily.
  9. What a predicament… well you always have me to talk to I guess, once you finish WoR that is.
  10. Ooo dramatic… I run out of the nuclear bunker, cackling. As I run I yell, “NOTHING CAN STOP ME!”
  11. Haha okay that makes sense. Since I am still Super Saiyan, I easily destroy all the butterflies and escape the habitat. Afterwards, I appear in front of Unintelligenius and take the Sandwich.
  12. Granted, but there’s always a bane that comes with it. I wish that the air around me is always 60-70 degrees.
  13. Granted, but all the girls you wished for are all different people that you have to date at the same time, and they all hate each other. I wish for a 200IQ.
  14. Granted, but every time you get lucky a person slaps you. I wish for a Rithmatist sequel
  15. Why are you doing this to me This explosion was actually an explosion of power as I go Super Saiyan and fly away.
  16. When a family friend comes over with their young children and the young children BASICALLY REPLACE THE CARPET WITH TOYS. *flashbacks*
  17. I spontaneously do a backflip, the Sandwich still in my hand.
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