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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. I look down at my body, then I scream out in joy because I am now back to my normal form, I jump up in the air, excited that I’m finally myself again. I also pick up the Sandwich from the floor.
  2. I catch the flaming fireball known as the Sandwich as it reenters the atmosphere.
  3. Goodnight, don’t let the bed bugs bite!
  4. Yep, my little nephew is itty bitty. TPBM is married.
  5. In all seriousness, it really depends on what aspect of life, a lot of people are afraid of the growing up aspect of life, as a progresses some people think it’s going by too fast, but it’s very uncommon for someone to just be afraid of the existence of life, imagine someone hyperventilating every time they realize that their dog is a living being.
  6. Well I’m not usually afraid of cereal.
  7. That’s awesome! I remember the feeling of holding my nephew for the first time, that’s so exciting for you!
  8. Granted, but you scream out the feelings you see in people. I wish to read minds.
  9. Granted, but you can only speak with bad spelling. I wish for better lightning powers.
  10. It has been quite uneventful, so pretty good.
  11. Granted, but you can’t speak. I wish for Lightning powers!!
  12. I don’t really care, anyway, how has your day been?
  13. I’ve heard it hurts for some people, I don’t know if it’s true, but I’m not willing to find out.
  14. I, who now has four arms and six fingers per hand, steal the Sandwich with relative ease.
  15. So I met this cute ginger girl… Oo tasty!
  16. Well if they recognize that you text them so often, imagine what they would think when all the sudden it was radio silence, they would probably be concerned or at least curious what happened.
  17. Probably about a day or two, depending on a person’s relationship with you, it also depends how you disappear; did it happen gradually or abruptly? Other factors include where it happened, how it happened, and when it happened. I bet the longest time it would take people to notice would be a week or less, fastest would be about an hour.
  18. [ denial of the denied denial of denied denial]
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