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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. Oh yeah it’s a week, I’m on fire today(for forgetting things)
  2. Back from what? Wait don’t answer that I remember.
  3. Oh my goodness even the quote box is big.
  4. I believe, @strmblsd, that @Just-A-Stick said she would come back in August.
  5. Join the club x2 How many times am I gonna have to say join the club before you realize I’m in the same boat as you, overthinking sucks but I can’t help but do it.
  6. It’s to be expected in this topic, you didn’t really miss anything. Join the club.
  7. I become sad because I wanted to play Pirates of the Caribbean while Etreema rue was running, then out of anger I swat the Sandwich out of Unintelligenius’ hand and storm off.
  8. Woooowww, @BrechioSwordMouse @BrechioSwordMouse @BrechioSwordMouse
  9. Oh yeah you told me about that, that was crazy cool.
  10. Nah, I’m a Utahn and haven’t gotten too close to Brandon personally, but you know what they say:”This is the place.”
  11. Got it(guess I was wrong, there can be more than one f-tier) S - Canes Chicken Fingers A - Southern Fried, Crack Chicken, Tom Kha Gai B - Beer Can Chicken C - Lemonhead Broth D - Microwave to Lukewarm, Grilled w/cinnamon and syrup, Flash Frozen F - Raw, Ash Idk what that is - n/a
  12. *gags* Ash as in a fine powder or still in the general shape of chicken?
  13. But you see, some people actually love those, so I’m not able to put it in F anyway, the only way another could go into F is if you seasoned the chicken with knives.
  14. Alright, it’s probably better than Raw though(it’ll probably be the only one in that category) S - n/a A - Southern Fried, Crack Chicken, Tom Kha Gai B - Beer Can Chicken C - Lemonhead Broth D - Microwave to Lukewarm, Grilled w/cinnamon and syrup, Flash Frozen F - Raw Idk what that is - n/a
  15. Oh my goodness I brandish an axe at Etreema Rue.
  16. Ooh, I see, that was actually my concern, I’ll bump it up then. S - Canes Chicken Fingers A - Southern Fried, Crack Chicken, Tom Kha Gai, Beer Can Chicken B - n/a C - Lemonhead Broth D - Microwave to Lukewarm, Grilled w/cinnamon and syrup F - Raw Idk what that is - n/a
  17. I’m surprised Aredor hasn’t offered a cookie yet.
  18. Thanks for the explanation, seems like a very interesting meal (I hope you’re able to do it with something other than beer, since I don’t do that), again haven’t tasted and I can’t know if it is s-tier. To be honest, I don’t know how I would feel about this if I ate it. S - n/a A - Southern Fried, Crack Chicken, Tom Kha Gai B - Beer Can Chicken C - Lemonhead Broth D - Microwave to Lukewarm, Grilled w/cinnamon and syrup F - Raw Idk what that is - n/a
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