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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. Though I do enjoy Pringles, I like lays chips more.
  2. I’ve had southern fried before, it’s very good, I don’t think it was cooked to an s-tier food though, you might have a different opinion.
  3. What can I say, this is a cool thread. Using the power of my mental fortitude, I feel nothing, I then take the Sandwich and hide away.
  4. Alright we have this so far(I’m ranking them on the fly): S - n/a A - Southern Fried B - n/a C - n/a D - n/a Idk what that is - Lemonhead Broth
  5. I got this idea while talking with @TwinSouls, basically give me a way to cook chicken and I'll put it in a tier list. Have fun! Note: Please suggest only one per post so others can join. Current Tier List(subject to change): S - Canes Chicken Fingers, Chicken Cordon Bleu A - Southern Fried, Crack Chicken, Tom Kha Gai B - Beer Can Chicken, Chicken Taco Soup C - Lemonhead Broth, Chicken Ice Cream D - Microwave to Lukewarm, Grilled w/cinnamon and syrup, Flash Frozen F - Raw, Ash/Congratulations Idk what that is - n/a
  6. Aight bet, one sec. Edit: It has been CREATED!! Here you go!
  7. Nope I really want to make a tier list, I should make a new topic and have people give me suggestions on what to rank.
  8. Basically, but you can do it with any type of meat too, like beef.
  9. Bad, there's a way to cook meat that actually doesn't require heat, making it still "raw", you basically just use an acidic chemical(like lemon juice or vinegar) to get rid of the bacteria, making it edible.
  10. I will continue to fix it MWAHAHAHAHHA.
  11. I like BBQ or Sour cream and onion.
  12. I could give you a list on how to and how to not cook chicken, I've given this actual thought. (5)(10)
  13. I just feel Pringles have gotten more bland since I was a kid... oh my gosh Pringles do represent life
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