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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. Hello and welcome to the Shard! Whatever you do, DON'T EAT THE COOKIE.
  2. Have we made a system to counting how many times we’ve lost? (1)(13) Also new question, does this system reset per day?
  3. Wait seriously?! I slap Glass back, since I was asleep when she did it. edit: Holy Crap I am the fourth top poster, I haven't been on NEARLY as long as you guys, so this is surprising.
  4. I, an intellectual, know where the Sandwich is, I grab it, go back to Earth, and sip some tea while putting on an monocle and doing this: *laughs in British*
  5. A sweet smell would match its appearance, since its eye candy.
  6. That’s a good question, where did it come from?
  7. Even more reason to never listen to what others say.
  8. What’s the most traumatic event you’ve expierienced? Just DO IT.
  9. This reminds me of the irony of the statement “there’s no I in team” because it’s talking about how it’s not all about yourself, but then you see the me in team and you’re totally bamboozled.
  10. Gosh dang it lost again(3 for me) (6)
  11. A good way would be to have the power of invisibility, a bad way would be disintegration.
  12. I need to stop looking at this thread.
  13. Dang it that’s the tenth time today.
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