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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. I gasp in awe, I then take the Sandwich and, kneeling on one knee, present the Sandwich to strmblsd saying,”you’re courage is much appreciated, I give you this as your reward.”
  2. Hey! I sign and finally stand up, showing everyone the Kevlar vest I had under my clothes, then I feel sad about my now broken ketchup packets.
  3. That movie is such a classic, it’s amazing.
  4. That’s the day she realized that “as you wish” actually meant “I love you”.
  5. You can’t rush miracles, that’s when you get rotten miracles.
  6. This is true love, you think this happens everyday?
  7. Let me explain, no there’s too much, let me sum it up.
  8. *manically laughing*… where was I? Australia.
  9. I am not jealous of the headache you’ll wake up with, but in the mean time, sleep well and dream of large women.
  10. Life hurts, anyone who says otherwise is selling something(I think I got one of these parts wrong).
  11. Stop rhyming, I mean it! Anybody wanna peanut?
  12. Oh my goodness I put the spirit of the Sandwich back into its physical form, Dr. Strange style, then I run away from the horrors I have created.
  13. “I think it’s because of the Sword.”
  14. Did we just make a gagging gag? While still gagging, I take the Sandwich. I quickly put sunglasses in strmblsd so he doesn’t go blind.
  15. “Don’t ask me,” he says shrugging,”it’s taking all my power not to revert to my chameleon form, sorry.”
  16. Kyz nodded in agreement.
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