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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. I drop a bomb on the naval base, creating a crater that reveals the Sandwich, I take it and run up the nearest mountain.
  2. I roll a nat 20 on a persuasion check to convince Rue to give me the Sandwich.
  3. Dang that’s real crazy Its a shame I have to take Your short victory
  4. I soar in and uppercut Unintelligenius Superman style, and with a nice shiny grin on my face, fly away.
  5. Dude I so agree These haikus are super fun Lets all enjoy this
  6. Yes I’m from Utah(in my Profile info), and I went the first week of July.
  7. 775. Leave for three days with zero explanation then act like nothing has happened.
  8. A chill goes down Kyz’s spine as he remembers what happened last time,”I would turn into the ultimate bloodhound, but it would take me hours to actually change into it because of how strong the influence is,” he says while trying to mask his fear.
  9. I went to Temple Square too! Amazing experience(also a lot less crowded).
  10. This is wholesome I take the Sandwich without SourCandyLime noticing and replace it with a PB&J sandwich with a note inside that says “karma baby”, then I run to the Australian Outback.
  11. *sits criss-cross applesauce* yes pwease!
  12. You don’t need to greetings and salutations mortal.
  13. I curl up in a ball, knowing what horrors have been made on that thread.
  14. I summon my Shardstick that I got from the Blond Guild Leader and ready myself for battle.
  15. (You’re welcome) 762. Force all of your worshippers to religiously follow all the things said on this thread.
  16. I give strmblsd the sanity pills from Phasmaphobia, I also covertly take the Sandwich while no one is looking.
  17. How did you kill this man? I am… inevitable
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