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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. We kinda sound like those tv commercials trying to sell products: ”Hello! Would you like to try out the new RP that’s big in the industry? Well you’re at the right place, for we got [insert RP name here] that would fit perfectly for your needs! It’s fit with freedom of speech, amazing randomness, and ZERO godmodding! That’s right, ZERO! Sign up now to also get an extra bonus of a friendly greeting!! Call now to join!
  2. I gasp in horror, being able to read dreams, then I take the Sandwich with shaky hands.
  3. How many times did you stab him? It was very enjoyable, I had a lot of fun!
  4. 741. Understand the meaning of mooning and cringe every time it’s posted.
  5. You could rejoin Multiversal Travelling Hub, we actually have a plot now!
  6. Without learning anything, he tries to catch it with his other hand, now he has no hands.
  7. 732. Be the diamond business the spikes the prices of diamonds.
  8. 730. Crash the milk economy by filling all jugs with bleach.
  9. He swallows down the cookies,”that’s fine, I guess,” he turns towards the adventurer they were following,”so are we getting any closer?” @NameIess
  10. 725. Gaslight the entire world into thinking the main ingredient in milk is white dye.
  11. “Yeth pleafe,” he says through the pastries.
  12. I cause you to fall over, hitting your back, then I steal the Sandwich.
  13. Kyz shoves five in his mouth.
  14. Why the heck are you surrounding Italy with F-22’s? The path of friendship is very rocky, but we can get through this.
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