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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. Steer straight into that iceberg! A BB gun.
  2. I feel very disestablishmentarian today. You spread LIES!
  3. Well, seems like a nice place. I take the Sandwich back.
  4. I am, just went hiking this morning so I’m feeling nice and refreshed.
  5. Wait really?!? nice I enjoy Rye’s neighborhood, trying my best to hide the Sandwich.
  6. I cheer once I reach the shore of California.
  7. How did you get diabetes? Idk, it just happened.
  8. I use Todo’s boogey woogey technique to switch you with the dummy and then take the Sandwich and get off the island.
  9. Huh… okay welcome to the TLPW, the thread that’s going to eventually overthrow TLT.
  10. How dare he Since when was I on an island? I float up into the air, lightning crackling at my fingertips as I look down on the cannibals and say in a big booming voice,”YOU HAVE DISPLEASED ME, NOW DIE!” Lightning strikes them and they evaporate.
  11. Ya know, it’s impressive that you even told her you liked her, that kind of confidence is admired.
  12. Dang it I dive and grab the Sandwich, then run away Jack Sparrow style.
  13. I tell Hoid I’ll give him twenty bucks if he can do a backflip while giving me the Sandwich.
  14. This is advice from an actual female, she knows what she’s taking about, you’ll be fine @strmblsd.
  15. Just take a deep breath, you don’t everything that’s happening rn for her, so just let her take her time, she might be stressing over what to text you because she likes you too, or she might be busy with some project, there’s multiple reasons she may not be texting back.
  16. Basically Cash67 and Edema Rue started a war where they could summon people to their side, you can get more context from the thread that Dragonheir made.
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