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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. Why is there a diesel truck my window?!? my replication of Fast and Furious
  2. It was prophesied long before your birth.
  3. On Thursday, the world will end, you will see all your loved ones engulfed in flames, the existence of this planet will be a forgotten memory, everything you’ll see will be gone, and it will only be me and you, let’s see who dies first. Chicken strips
  4. Stop eating my potion ingredient!!! Ah… the beauties of magic *said fondly*
  5. It’s to replace champagne at new years, ya know the whole pop the cork stuff(also I’ve only had Canada Dry ginger ale from the plastic bottles, not glass ones)
  6. Yeah you can WARNING: do not read if you don’t want to know what Mormon champagne is
  7. 1. Talking to girls is quite similar to talking to guys, just hold back most sarcastic insults because they will take it literallly, also if you have a good smile it helps them relax. 2. I would suggest watching the YouTuber Pych2Go, they have some stuff on how to find out if someone likes you(just a reminder the advice is general, it won’t apply to everyone)
  8. How the heck do you have a literal pile of dogs, all stand on one foot? my ways are strange and mysterious
  9. He left the Shard, it’s announced on his profile.
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