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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. How the heck do you have a literal pile of dogs, all stand on one foot? my ways are strange and mysterious
  2. He left the Shard, it’s announced on his profile.
  3. I do another triple backflip as per request, now slightly tired.
  4. I do a triple backflip, this confuses and amazes everyone enough for me to take the Sandwich and run away.
  5. Why did you only eat the red skittles from the bank you robbed? this is why I want to be a vampire.
  6. As strmblsd is occupied I take the Sandwich, getting red paint all over it.
  7. Did you kidnap children to raise as genetically modified soldiers again?! Yes, and I’ll do it again.
  8. My eyes glint red like this: and before you know it your arms and legs are cut off and you’re sitting in a pit of tar.
  9. Vyzkel

    Ask Vyzkel ANYTHING

    My username came from a character I played in the Mistborn: Adventure Game, it’s pretty cool.
  10. I sigh, then go sit on a beach chair and attempt to get tan for once.
  11. Will you please hide the body? a French fry gun
  12. I want to taste the sinful applesauce also: “it’s Mormon champagne!” - my friend
  13. I fall out of the ground and uppercut Pineap-spider in the face, taking the Sandwich as I keep running away.
  14. Nope, we got 11 more posts til the next page.
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