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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. 626. Have your brother leave you and he only gives you his lighter.
  2. I do a sick backflip, this distracts strmblsd enough for me to take the Sandwich and phase through the big wall that canceled my flight.
  3. What do you want for your last meal? A house with all of my childhood.
  4. You have answered first so now you get an award of being CORRECT.
  5. Do you like chicken, if so what is your favorite way for chicken to be cooked?
  6. What’s your favorite way to cook chicken??
  7. What is your favorite way to cook chicken?
  8. What’s your favorite way for chicken to be cooked??
  9. It’s her sweet sixteen?! That’s awesome! You can get them to drive you everywhere.
  10. Wait… how is the government controlling us? With my handy-dandy notebook
  11. Is there a theme? Those parties are pretty fun.
  12. Beautiful He’s pretty cool his personalty is great I NOW SUMMON @WhyEverNot_8
  13. This makes my bird fall down and cry, making the Sandwich fall into strmblsd’s hands.
  14. Dang, well what do you have planned? I’m going camping the entirety of next week.
  15. Kyz turns into a robin and glides down after the adventurer.
  16. Have you ever wanted to nuke a stick? it’s my appetizer
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