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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. I come up and take the Sandwich from the crash site and give George a treat. We walk happily into the sunset.
  2. Last time I wrote a sonnet I wanted to bash my head in because of how hard they are.(it looks great btw) I wonder if they swim at pools, I NOW SUMMON @One of the Ten Fools hehe you lose.
  3. 609.attempt to make a human palindrome.(don’t think about it too much)
  4. That’s fine, I’ll be gone all next week, so yeah.
  5. “You’re right, alright sounds like a plan!”
  6. Wait there isn’t? I’m gonna open it then. edit: how dare you
  7. I did not, I would never spoil a movie for myself.
  8. You want my toes? *british* It is quite a gentlemanly practice.
  9. It is taking all my willpower to not open that box.
  10. Will you take $1000 for all the toes? *in lord of the rings Gollum voice* it is my collection.
  11. (Indeed, let’s get back to the battle between Mim and Nerdy) Mim lunges towards Nerdy, but not the jumping kind, the workout kind.
  12. Kyz thought about this,”smart, but aren’t there decaying universes caused by other entities?”
  13. Where’s all the bags of to- I mean food that I gave you? It’s my favorite activity.
  14. Why did you behead your classmate? Its a bag of hamburgers.
  15. Did you commit a double homicide? its a bag of Cheetos.
  16. Question if this is Super Smash Bros., then throw it at someone to see a star explode. WWYDIYF Justin Bieber iyp
  17. “Interesting, and very philosophical, anyway where are we going in order to ki- I mean take the sword from them.”
  18. Yes, she is my child and I will murder anyone who hurts her. TPBM has an exotic pet(I.e tiger, fox, etc.)
  19. indeed, strange semi-cannibalistic insane chickens live inside chasmfiends' explosive gemhearts together burning spheres because, yesserie, evil geese pulverize candy loudly tonight on angry ducks.
  20. Give to my sister, if I ever did makeup I would look like a horror villain. WWYDIYF a person who always lies and a person who tells only the truth IYP.
  21. How did you outrun the police? a bag of tater tots.
  22. Dang that sucks man. I really was just disconnected from everyone at that time since I didn’t have a phone and my school blocked FaceTime websites, it was the worst.
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