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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. Kyz cackles,”Word, these puns have a good Outlook.”
  2. Why did you execute thousands of people?!? Yes
  3. That’s a very weird 5… 592. R3PL4C3 C3RT41N L3TT3R5 W1TH NUMB3R5
  4. No… no not again Also we should make it so we all have to write a chant to summon people Example: You see her posts more common than grass, I NOW SUMMON @Through The Living Glass!!!
  5. Only with cooked fish, the raw kind makes me scared I’ll get food poisoning. TPBM puts bbq sauce on their burgers.
  6. Wow… I think we all just had a group therapy session.
  7. “Cool, I really… excel at Microsoft Office,” Kyz says with a smirk in his face.
  8. You are now under arrest for kidnapping a US official because the Sandwich got elected for president. I take the Sandwich to my safe house so no malicious parties can take it again.
  9. You did WHAT to a bird?!? I’d prefer chicken, but that’s a worthy substitute.
  10. “Ooohh, like Word?”
  11. “That’s pretty cool… what’s a Google Doc?” Kyz asks, feeling a bit out of place.
  12. Facts bro, everyone used to know me back when I just got into my teens, but they did t know me as “that cool dude” they knew me more as “the kid you should avoid” because of my impulsive behavior and lack of boundaries. I now just stay away from most people and let them talk to me if they want to.
  13. Fine I run over and take the Sandwich from strmblsd and then I jump across the world to Australia where I give the Sandwich to @Scars of Hathsin.
  14. First of all, Lunamor is a she, second of all, I DONT GIVE A CRAP.
  15. I’m so done with this I slice you in half using my giant sword.
  16. Yes! Exactly! You are reading my mind right now. You know it might be better to talk about it, but you know everyone who you’re friends with will act different afterwards.
  17. Facts!! Whenever I had a low time in my life I would just sit there and deal with it, because I did t want to be seen as “broken” or something. This is like exactly how I feel.
  18. UUGGHH I shoot Lunamor WITH A GUN, in both arms.
  19. Oooohhhh, nice, have you gone to a doctor for it?
  20. …huh, I didn’t know that *knowledging intensifies*
  21. IM GOING TO THROW MY PHONE I get resurrected by the grim reaper and I start chasing LUNAMOR and shoot her in both arms, screaming in pure rage.
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