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Everything posted by Vyzkel

  1. that sounds more like food poisoning but idk
  2. Stupid typos I grab my Glock and shoot Lina or in both arms,”HOW YOU LIKE THAT,” I say as I take the Sandwich and run away.
  3. That’s not… whatever I make a cleric heals my arm using a healing spell and I start chasing Lunamor.
  4. I force a doctor to heal my broken arm using a Glock.
  5. What do you think of the nectar of the gods? it’s tasty.
  6. Hi @Immortal Platypus, you lost the game.
  7. Greetings, I now cast a spell, you can hear even in a house, I NOW SUMMON @BrechioSwordMouse!!!
  8. What are you doing with an ADULT DRAGON?!? Yes.
  9. This statement is debatable, though you indeed lost the game, I followed after.
  10. I am now sporting a black eye and a broken arm because I just got jumped by my dead dog and a Pineapple spider.
  11. How many children have you kidnapped? It’s my favorite thing to do on the weekend!
  12. You can tell me about it. 578. mess up the numbers for the FORUTH TIME.
  13. Good thing I installed a kill switch onto George, a tear runs down my face as I flip the switch and George stops moving. I take the Sandwich from his jaws and say,”it’s for the best, good boy.”
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